[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 1 points 27 minutes ago

Baldur's gate is 20% off. Definitely definitely worth the price

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 1 points 10 hours ago

Though pumped hydro is sometimes opposed by environmental groups because it does absolutely decimate local environments.

I have high hopes for sodium batteries. The ones that have been released on the market are simply perfect (if scaled up) for local grid storage in countries with a lot of space and will hopefully get better energy density in line with Lithium Iron Phosphate with time.

Salt batteries have been the cold fusion of battery tech for like 10 years, but now it is finally coming to fruition. I hope to install a solar installation with salt batteries in 5 years or so, myself.

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 2 points 1 day ago

Let's be honest, it doesn't work for 30% of listed businesses either... Typing in more than 1 word automatically returns utter crap.

If I type is SPAR, I get all supermarkets near me.

If I type in SPAR supermarket because that is what it is listed under, I get this BS, random supermarkets 60+ km away. Even if it could only parse out supermarket because of how badly it parses, then it still could take supermarkets near me.

When I type in just supermarket, I get the supermarkets near me. Any time I type more than one word, the search completely breaks...

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl -1 points 1 day ago

Then use Wireguard to get into your local network. Simple as. All security risks that don't need to be accessed by the public (document servers, ssh, internal tools, etc...) can be accessed via VPN while the port forwarded servers are behind a reverse proxy, TLS, and an authentication layer like Authelia/authentik for things that only a small group needs to access.

Sorry, but there is 1 case in 10000 where a home user would have to have publicly exposed SSH and 9999 cases of 10000 where it is not needed at all and would only be done out of laziness or lack of knowledge of options.

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 1 points 1 day ago

Woah, let's not be hasty. A few big tech companies are really good at their jobs...

Let's not forget the dozens of big tech companies run by absolute morons that bring products that nobody wants or needs and only stay afloat due to legacy, stealing data & selling it, and/or venture capital.

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 4 points 2 days ago

I love the absurdity of game reviewers 😂

  • "This game is the pinnicle of its genre"

  • "This is the 1 game I would bring to a desert island"

  • "one of the most captivating puzzle games ever"

85%, 88%, 70%, a C to a B. That is just above average.

Meanwhile you get an absolute broken AAA piece of crap that barely functions, incoherant story, generic and boring and those same reviewers say "70-80%". So there is a <10% difference between absolutely mastering a genre and releasing straight garbage?

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

True, but it is also completely different use cases and they have different goals.

Windows on a 2-in-1 is also not as good as an iPad. They are desktop OS's with tablet functionality as a nice to have. They will never be as smooth of an experience as a mobile-first OS.

The trade off is 100x better compatibility with many apps, especially FOSS. inkscape, krita, KiCAD, FreeCAD, coding IDEs, MATLAB/scipy, games, etc... They are all available out of the box without a mediocre mobile port.

The flexibility to functionally use it as a full-blown computer (and not reliant on a monopolized, centralized app store) is the reason you get it and not an iPad. Of course it won't be as good as a tablet because it wasn't made for that.

You can also say "the iPad will never be as good of a drawing experience as a dedicated high-end drawing tablet." Like of course. That isn't its function and goal.

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 2 points 3 days ago

It has sent me down some dead end roads in the past 6 months, and the time estimate is always far off even without traffic, but other than that it has been great and I can actually change night and day mode in my car manually because google maps is forever stuck in night mode for some reason.

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 7 points 3 days ago

Spinning metal storage is cheapish now, but now a 4K movie takes up a much larger amount of space.

If you measure storage by €/1 hour media with 4k HDR vs older prices and 720p, it is likely quite similar.

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 1 points 4 days ago

I thought the explosive crossbow got needed into oblivion with the ammo changes or whatever. I have been rolling the eruptor and it is pretty good

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 2 points 4 days ago

I got in one private tracker and I like that system a lot. I seed my torrents for years because I don't do a ton of very popular stuff, and I like some older shows. Like The Mentalist season packs on TG are at like a 30:1 for me because not many others seed them.

However, the private tracker doesn't use standard naming which sometimes fucks up searches and *arr, also, there are barely any seeders or leechers so a lot of media is hit or miss both downloading and uploading. Of the 50 or so things that I downloaded since I got on, 1 has a positive seed ratio, so thank mods for duration seed points...

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Do people know if he is using one of the yaml configs on github or has his own?

I am currently developing a PoE ESP-C3 bridge for the LD2410 and 2450 (don't know if I will sell it or just have all of the files available to make yourself) do I am doing a bit of research. When I make mine open source anyway, I guess the license will be similar to the skreek version anyway so I can work off of his.


Hey everyone,

I am completely stripping my house and am currently thinking about how to set up the home network.

This is my usecase:

  • home server that can access the internet + homeassistant that can access IoT devices

  • KNX that I want to have access to home assistant and vice versa

  • IoT devices over WiFi (maybe thread in the future) that are the vast majority homemade via ESPHome. I want them to be able to access the server and the other way around. (Sending data updates and in the future, sending voice commands)

  • 3 PoE cameras through a PoE 4 port switch

  • a Chromecast & nintendo switch that need internet access

Every router worth anything already has a guest network, so I don't see much value in separating out a VLAN in a home use case.

My IoT devices work locally, not through the cloud. I want them to work functionally flawless with Home assistant, especially anything on battery so it doesn't kill its battery retrying until home assistant polls.

The PoE cameras can easily have their internet access blocked on most routers via parental controls or similar and I want them to be able to send data to the on-server NVR

I already have PiHole blocking most phone homes from the chromecast or guest devices.

So far it seems like a VLAN is not too useful for me because I would want bidirectional access to the server which in turn should have access from the LAN and WiFi. And vice versa.

Maybe I am not thinking of the access control capability of VLANs correctly (I am thinking in terms of port based iptables: port X has only incoming+established and no outgoing for example).

I figure if my network is already penetrated, it would most likely be via the WiFi or internet so the attack vector seems to not protect from much in my specific use case.

Am I completely wrong on this?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

I got immich with SSO up and running. It runs like a dream compared to Photoprism and is simple enough for me, but also has necessary features like user accounts.

There is one thing I couldn't find in the docs:

I already have a library of 5000 photos and 150 videos on my server that sync to my phone with Syncthing to 4 different directories (one for each phone I took the photos on) in Immich. Right now I have that directory as an external library, but I don't think this is the "right way."

My goal:

  • No duplicates between phone app and desktop app
  • Don't have to re-upload every image from my phone as my network is 100/30 mbps
  • Am able to manage my photos from the Immich app and web app (deleting photos that will propagate between devices)

Can I just map the "Upload" folder to that syncthing photo base folder and get parity between my phone and my server? Or do I have to re-upload everything from my phone? Or am I waiting for a feature that doesn't quite exist yet? I noticed some feature discussions about photo hashing and de-duplication.

I tried asking in a discussion on the repo, but nobody answers those much.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hey lemmings,

I have a headless server that works beautifully. B450 with 2700X and 32GB of micron 3200MHz RAM.

I am currently running Debian 12 Bookworm on it. I am at kernel 6.1, but in preparation for 6.2 or 6.3 being backlogged, I want to buy an Arc A380 for transcoding since they are only 150€ here. Software was fine for a single video stream, but I bought a new house and will have 4 camera streams running. Plus I want to dabble in AV1 transcoding for media or storage of my camera streams

Currently there is neither X nor Wayland installed since it is exclusively with SSH that I do all of my work on it. After I install the GPU, I was wondering if it is possible to not even install X or Wayland since I will literally never use a display on it?

Would I still be able to do Jellyfin and Frigate transcoding without an X server? If I have to get one, does it matter if I choose X or Wayland for hardware transcoding?


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