[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago

friendly reminder that the game developer himself said this game 'needed no female players'" and claimed "some things are made only for men"

I anticipate this game dying in a hot fire.

Article for reference. Unfortunately all the original source (twitter posts and whatnot) seem to have been deleted.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 6 points 2 days ago

Because most of them aspire to be one of the folks that collects the green segments from others. Even though they never will.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 36 points 2 days ago

The AG responsible for this said almost literally that, in the article.

Now Oklahomans can be assured that our tax dollars will not fund the teachings of Sharia Law or even Satanism.

I'll still take it, though.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 74 points 1 month ago

They do, it's called an IP address.

Phones get numbers assigned to them by a cell service provider, in order to communicate on their network, which is basically the exact process for computers and IP addresses.

If you're asking about the equivalent of like a SIM card, in the computer/internet world, that's handled at higher layers, by digital certificates. And again, the process is almost exactly the same, except they don't (usually) get put on physical chips.

submitted 2 months ago by JakenVeina@lemm.ee to c/dadjokes@lemmy.world


[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 213 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

So, wait, Mocrosoft is finally giving us a way to fully-disable automatic Windows Updates?



The site name's a play on "The Onion" so it's gotta be satire, right? I couldn't find an about page to confirm.

submitted 5 months ago by JakenVeina@lemm.ee to c/dungeonmeshi@ani.social

After watching the first couple of episodes, my wife and I were considering having our 8-year-old watch it with us. Then I noticed the TV-MA rating.

Not looking for spoilers, but like, is the show gonna take a bit of a turn, eventually? There hasn't been anything CLOSE to TV-M-worth thus far, in my mind.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 64 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Did anyone really think that making UEFI systems the equivalent of a mini OS was a good idea? Or having them be accessible to the proper OS? Was there really no pushback, when UEFI was being standardized, to say "images that an OS can write to are not critical to initializing hardware functionality, don't include that"? Was that question not asked for every single piece of functionality in the standard?

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 66 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

As someone with 0 investment in this whole ecosystem, I saw and perused this article like a week ago, and my immediate impression was "Why is this guy constantly saying 'Wayland breaks XXXXX'? Wayland isn't breaking anything, it's new tech. Wayland has certain features, or it doesn't or doesn't yet. The only folks breaking anything are those swapping use of X with Wayland, within various apps or tech stacks, potentially prematurely, where Wayland doesn't yet have the full set of features needed."

Whoever this is seems to have a really poor understanding of long-term software development, despite being way more invested in it than I am.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 94 points 7 months ago

I like TypeScript less for its ability to categorize my grocery list and more for its ability to stop anyone from putting cyanide on it.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by JakenVeina@lemm.ee to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 86 points 10 months ago

"This is disappointing, how is possible that a driver makes much more than average Engineer in R&D?"

Because the engineer is being exploited and refuses to unionize.

"To get a base salary of $170k you know you need to work hard as an Engineer, this sucks."

Bitch, UPS workers work harder than I ever did as an electronics engineer.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 85 points 10 months ago

Man won an emmy for ringing a bell. Respect on him for even ACCEPTING a role like that. What did the audition look like?

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 66 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

From the article...

Yes, as they had to give me the minimum sentence. By law they were right as the law only protected registered companies, unlike in Germany for example. The law was changed a few weeks later to include private persons and sole traders as protected lsps, not just companies, but they had to convict me. No choice in the end.

So, ISPs in Austria actually have legal protection from liability here, rightfully so, and also rightfully so, that protection was extended to private persons as well. A rare story of a legal system apparently working well, with regard to the marriage of privacy and technology.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 105 points 11 months ago

The wall of fucking spez is finmy, but I find it FAR funnier to see how something that was one of reddit's most popular things ever just a few months ago is NOTICABLY less popular. All of the biggest communities that were represented on the drawing earlier this year are nowhere to be seen. All that's left this time around is just random disconnected drawings and massive flags. The soul is gone.

So yeah, stop fucking spamming the canvas and just let it be empty and soulless. It sends a bigger message.

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