[-] HexesofVexes@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Extra fact - in the USA almost all games use long weighted reels.

I believe this is by law, but may be misinformed.

Also, if you know the rng gen you can game machines: a very very clever group in Russia bought up old machines from defunct casinos, reverse engineered the games, and then developed an app that let a user photograph x number of spins to find out what the seed was for the next spin, and from there told them to bet high or low based on the upcoming game. They made millions, and farmed it out to make more. (https://www.wired.com/2017/02/russians-engineer-brilliant-slot-machine-cheat-casinos-no-fix/)

[-] HexesofVexes@lemmy.world 6 points 5 days ago

Never really worked with them (we never made them).

I think they're lower prize threshold cat Bs.

[-] HexesofVexes@lemmy.world 82 points 5 days ago

In the UK, slot machines fall into 4 main categories. Of particular interest are category C machines, as these can remember a fixed number of previous games. I.e. the "myth" that a machine is "about to pay out" because "someone lost a lot to it" can hold for these games.

Cat A and B machines are completely random, previous games can have no impact on probabilities of winning (though pots can climb).

Online games have different rules, not always fair ones!

Oh, and ALL games (in a physical location) must (by law) show "RTP" (return to player) somewhere. It usually gets stuck it in a block of text in the manual since no-one reads them. (If it's below 97.3% just go play roulette as it offers better returns).

[-] HexesofVexes@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago


Relevant follow-up (videos explore Korean gender politics and hierarchical society).

[-] HexesofVexes@lemmy.world 174 points 1 week ago

You know, this thread really needs a list of of the publishers responsible for this travesty.

"Publishers Hachette Book Group Inc, HarperCollins Publishers LLC, John Wiley & Sons Inc and Penguin Random House LLC" - According to Reuters

[-] HexesofVexes@lemmy.world 95 points 2 weeks ago

Yup - the reason most folks "go in" is to be seen, rarely to get things done. The only genuine reason to go in is if you need to talk to a lot of people.

[-] HexesofVexes@lemmy.world 176 points 2 months ago


Let's pause a moment and just appreciate how much money Alphabet actually make net (after expenses). $73,795,000,000 last year - higher than the GDP of entire nations, in profit.

The "bad" year, 2022 that drove all this change, they only made $59,972,000,000 net. Oh how terrible (!)

5 years ago, they made $34,343,000,000 net, so they've more than doubled profits.

Take a moment to appreciate that, and really consider if they "need" the money.

[-] HexesofVexes@lemmy.world 75 points 3 months ago

Once upon a time, updating your hardware every couple of years was essential. Your new hardware was a lot faster for normal use, and everyone benefitted.

Over time, however, people could wait longer between updates, as new hardware didn't impact daily use all that much.

The powers that were grew displeased, and then decided to force people to update more often. Newer hardware had shorter lifespans, software forced newer hardware, software as a service became king.

The End?

[-] HexesofVexes@lemmy.world 105 points 8 months ago

Post shower toilet thought: Copyright isn't there to protect the author, it's there to create a multi-billion dollar legal industry.

The Internet in Europe Today (how-i-experience-web-today.com)

Not all art shows something beautiful - this really does feel like the internet of today without a lot of browser tweaking.

[-] HexesofVexes@lemmy.world 99 points 10 months ago

Oh my, the creators get paid?!?


Oh... So no, not really...

Sounds like they're lying to me!

[-] HexesofVexes@lemmy.world 128 points 10 months ago

Prof here - take a look at it from our side.

Our job is to evaluate YOUR ability; and AI is a great way to mask poor ability. We have no way to determine if you did the work, or if an AI did, and if called into a court to certify your expertise we could not do so beyond a reasonable doubt.

I am not arguing exams are perfect mind, but I'd rather doubt a few student's inability (maybe it was just a bad exam for them) than always doubt their ability (is any of this their own work).

Case in point, ALL students on my course with low (<60%) attendance this year scored 70s and 80s on the coursework and 10s and 20s in the OPEN BOOK exam. I doubt those 70s and 80s are real reflections of the ability of the students, but do suggest they can obfuscate AI work well.

[-] HexesofVexes@lemmy.world 95 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I mean, this kind of snooping just makes you want to exit the UK in general...

Might and Magic (Merged) (www.celestialheavens.com)

Truly a test of patience - this is an excellent modpack that unifies 3 classics together into the way I dreamed of playing them as a kid.

Found it by accident a week ago, and it's been my short nightly unwind (trying to do a solo run because I always wanted to).

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joined 1 year ago