submitted 9 months ago by Hazdaz@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world

Important quotes from the article:

Gen Z workers are already getting flak from businesses for lacking the basic skills needed to navigate the working world

youngest generation to enter the workforce doesn't have the skills to debate, disagree, or work alongside people with different opinions.

[-] Hazdaz@lemmy.world 200 points 9 months ago

Oh for fucks sakes.

[-] Hazdaz@lemmy.world 91 points 9 months ago

Making AI art not copyrightable is probably the best reasonable alternative that we could hope for.

Companies are always looking to cut costs and getting some computer algorithm to churn out endless art without having to pay an artist would be a corporate holy grail. Except that if that artwork then can't be copyrighted and thus monetized (or not as easily monetized), then it ruined or at least lessens their push to replace all their workers with AI.

[-] Hazdaz@lemmy.world 89 points 9 months ago

Whether this is a "hit piece" or not, I have never found Fallon funny in the slightest bit and absolutely hate the entire late night talk show format. It's just sucking up to celebrities for 2 goddamn hours. Utterly fake conversations with fake people trying to plug their latest projects. Every thing about it annoys the fuck out of me.

[-] Hazdaz@lemmy.world 108 points 9 months ago

give up

No. That's not what companies do.

BMW and Mercedes were the "leaders" in milking their customers and thus they got the most bad press. All BMW is doing is waiting until more companies start doing this and the whole idea of subscriptions in the car business becomes normalized to the public.

Unless consumers continue to shun this concept and the press blasts these companies for trying to push this nonsense, it will make a comeback in the years to come. Unfortunately, I simply do not think consumers will look at their long-term interests. Its like telling gamers not to pre-order the hottest upcoming releases because it encourages companies to release buggy software... all the pleading in the world ends up falling on deaf ears. Same too, I believe, will happen in the car market.

[-] Hazdaz@lemmy.world 144 points 10 months ago

This is how government should work. A government FOR the people.

This is the kind of pro-consumer news that I've become accustomed to hearing only about the EU. I realize this doesn't stop ISPs from simply levying fees and only demands that they list them, but seeing an itemized list of where your money goes is a first step in realizing that you might be getting screwed.

[-] Hazdaz@lemmy.world 120 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

"All parts for this vehicle, whether internal or from suppliers, need to be designed and built to sub 10 micron accuracy.​"


Yeah ok.

Tell me you know nothing about manufacturing, without telling me you know nothing about manufacturing.

That one quote - assuming it is accurate - explains that Musk is even more of an idiot than everyone already knew he was. You don't make things at those tight tolerances. A couple of dimensions on a part might be (for instance the bore on a press fit sleeve), but you'd almost never, ever hold an entire part to that tight of a tolerance.

In imperial units, 10 microns is .00039". A human hair is roughly .001 to .005" thick. So he is asking for a tolerance that is 3 to 10x smaller than the thickness of a human hair. To put the absurdity of Musk's demand into perspective, most parts that go into a car are roughly an order of magnitude looser in tolerance with some dimensions being 2 orders of magnitude looser.

That difference might not sound like a lot, but holding something to +/-.0039 versus +/-.00039" could easily triple the price of an item or more. Easy. You use a tight tolerance only when you need to - that's engineering 101. Some parts could easily be +/- .039" and not affect their performance on bit. Close tolerance engine parts might be held at what Musk is demanding, but never "ALL PARTS" would be held to that.

[-] Hazdaz@lemmy.world 98 points 10 months ago

TNG > OG series any day, everyday.

[-] Hazdaz@lemmy.world 111 points 10 months ago

This isn't even the last word in this nonsense.

The latest is that Musk, who clearly never knows when to shut the fuck up, called Zuck a coward when Zuck essentially offered Musk an "out" by saying to move on.

Hate both these fucks, but Zuck would destroy Elon. Time and again Zuck is giving Elon a way out of this and time and again Elon finds a way to look like an even bigger loser.

Getting beat by Zuck is going to push Elon past "deluded rich douchebag" to full-on Bond villain, I fear.

[-] Hazdaz@lemmy.world 100 points 10 months ago

Keep digging and guaranteed to find the Russians as well.

The most terrifying thing of all is how almost accepted all this is. None of it is particularly shocking. Hard core Republicans will even justify it, possibly even flaunt it. This is how far down the rabbit hole we've allowed things to get.

[-] Hazdaz@lemmy.world 100 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It is called a rubber o-ring.

That's how other companies have been making water-tight compartments for batteries and other things for literally decades now. But all of a sudden, Apple wants to pretend this is some unsolvable problem. For fucks sakes stop acting like this is some insane ask, goddamn it.

No other government body is as consumer-friendly as the EU, so I really hope this bill passes and forces Apple to comply. I am so sick of the bullshit from these megacorporations who are so big they just don't give a flying fuck about what consumers want. And on the flipside, there are going to be a million Apple apologists who will side with Apple on this topic. Those bootlickers only make things worse for everyone.

submitted 11 months ago by Hazdaz@lemmy.world to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

Just noticed yesterday that I can't downvote anything. Is that an issue with the app or Lemmy itself?

[-] Hazdaz@lemmy.world 97 points 11 months ago

Break up Google.

Browser is one company. YouTube is another. The search a third company. The ad one has to be the richest and should be it's own.

Then once you cut down Google into manageable companies, go after Facebook.

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