[-] FrostyCaveman@lemm.ee 4 points 1 day ago

I miss xfire too.

So that's what happened to them

[-] FrostyCaveman@lemm.ee 3 points 5 days ago

You just hate pants eh?

I can respect that

[-] FrostyCaveman@lemm.ee 52 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I lost my Minecraft account to this, but that's because the email address I bought the game with was with Lavabit, and thus never was able to receive any of the emails. Couldn't verify I owned it either because again, no access to the email address.

I was just a kid when I signed up for that Lavabit address sometime in the 2000s, a kid who was vaguely interested in the idea of privacy and software freedom (I used PPC Ubuntu on a G3 iBook btw). Bought Minecraft Alpha in 2010 for €10. Now because of time passing and some bullshit happening I don't have access to any of it.

But tbh I never opened a support ticket or anything, because fuck Microsoft. Its the principle of the whole thing

[-] FrostyCaveman@lemm.ee 57 points 2 weeks ago

I think Asimov had some thoughts on this subject

Wild that we’re at this point now

[-] FrostyCaveman@lemm.ee 52 points 2 weeks ago

Working “full time”. I love what I actually do at work (generally) but like… doing it 9-6 five days a week is so fucking draining. It feels like working defined hours for the sake of working in those hours. Obviously for most jobs the hours spent working do matter, but for software development it may actually be counterproductive as being tired fucks up your productivity hard

[-] FrostyCaveman@lemm.ee 58 points 4 weeks ago

Every generation thinks it invented sex

[-] FrostyCaveman@lemm.ee 92 points 1 month ago

“towing my dog with a rope” loool

[-] FrostyCaveman@lemm.ee 54 points 5 months ago

Ah man the translucent colourful floppies.. that takes me back

[-] FrostyCaveman@lemm.ee 77 points 5 months ago

You know how it goes, first people start saying the silly meme phrase “ironically”, then they can’t stop themselves saying it, then it becomes awkwardly unironic, and then it gets embedded in the lexicon and Miriam-Webster adds it to the dictionary

2060 is going to be lit fam AHEM I mean it’s going to be funny

[-] FrostyCaveman@lemm.ee 59 points 8 months ago

Lower Decks is certainly fast, loud and in-your-face funny. But what I was completely not expecting is for it to be so respectful and adoring of what came before in the franchise. I thought originally, ah yeah one of those “fast edgy animated comedies”, it surely would be derisive and treat Trek like a joke itself, but actually, no it does not. It’s a comedy set in the Trek universe, it’s not a comedy where Trek is the punchline.

[-] FrostyCaveman@lemm.ee 92 points 9 months ago

Only a 1 sigma confirmation at the moment so needs to be thoroughly reinvestigated

[-] FrostyCaveman@lemm.ee 52 points 10 months ago

From who? The Debian Taliban?

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