[-] Fermion@feddit.nl 48 points 2 days ago

Yahoo is still around in some form or another.

Alphabet has enough money to persist well after they lose relevance.

[-] Fermion@feddit.nl 69 points 2 days ago

Is GN going to put Google on a Performance Improvement Plan like they did with Asus?

[-] Fermion@feddit.nl 3 points 3 days ago

The chain of cities from Detroit to Québec City really looks like it should be a prime candidate for HSR.

[-] Fermion@feddit.nl 34 points 4 days ago

Anyone who has let cows out to pasture for the first time in spring knows that this is not always the case.

[-] Fermion@feddit.nl 78 points 2 months ago

A bear has time and motivation to keep trying over and over again to get into the garbage. People are generally much less determined to figure it out.

[-] Fermion@feddit.nl 40 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

With an ad blocking dns.


Go down to the configure manually option and follow the instructions for iPhone.

I think next guard is also supposed to be decent, but they won't let you use it without an account.

The nice thing about the dns approach is it works for more than just your web browser. There's a bunch of Android games that are essentially unplayable without an adblocking dns.

As a disclaimer, a bunch of sites are ramping up requiring enabling ads or they won't let you load the content. I'm ok with just hitting back and not viewing those sites, but my MIL just asked for help removing the ad guard dns because her news sites wouldn't let her in.

[-] Fermion@feddit.nl 33 points 3 months ago

Because the way you probably raise your foot toward you when putting on your socks ends up with that spot pointing toward your eyes.

As to how that helps before you've actually got the sock on, you'll have to ask the designer.

[-] Fermion@feddit.nl 31 points 5 months ago

All the decaf coffee I've tried has less flavor than normal. The soaking process to decaffeinate it presumably also removes some of the flavorful compounds. If I use 3 shots decaf it ends up tasting close to as flavorful as using 2 shots of normal.

[-] Fermion@feddit.nl 81 points 5 months ago


Interviewer: This airplane that was involved in the incident off Western Oregon this week...

Senator Collins: The one the door plug fell off?

Interviewer: Yeah.

Senator Collins: Yeah, that’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.

Interviewer: Well, how was it un-typical?

Senator Collins: Well there are a lot of these airplanes going around the world all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen. I just don’t want people thinking that 737 max 9's aren’t safe.


Senator Collins: Well, some of them are built so that the door plug doesn’t fall off at all.

Interviewer: Wasn’t this built so that the door plug wouldn’t fall off?

Senator Collins: Well, obviously not.

Interviewer: How do you know?

Senator Collins: Well, because the door plug fell off at 20,000 feet and all the air spilled out. It’s a bit of a giveaway. I’d just like to make the point that that is not normal.

Interviewer: Well what sort of engineering standards are these 737 MAX 9's built to?

Senator Collins: Oh, very rigorous aerospace engineering standards.

Interviewer: What sort of thing?

Senator Collins: Well, the door plug's not supposed to fall off for a start.


Interviewer: So the allegations that they’re just designed to carry as many passengers as possible no matter the consequences, I mean that’s ludicrous isn’t it?

Senator Collins: Absolutely ludicrous, these are very very strong vessels.

Interviewer: So what happened in this case?

Senator Collins: Well, the door fell off in this case by all means, but it’s very unusual.

Interviewer: But Senator Collins, why did the door plug fall off?

Senator Collins: Well air hit it.

Interviewer: Air hit it?

Senator Collins: Air hit the plane.

Interviewer: Is that unusual?

Senator Collins: Oh yeah. At altitude? Chance in a million!

[-] Fermion@feddit.nl 70 points 5 months ago

I'm still waiting for hexagon monitors as they are clearly the bestagon.

[-] Fermion@feddit.nl 36 points 6 months ago

Using a single punch as a quick way to knock someone out and they're just fine when they wake up is my pet peave. Any hit hard enough to cause a blackout is likely to bring long term damage.

[-] Fermion@feddit.nl 82 points 7 months ago

How do statements like that not spook investors? You're telling me that leadership in the world's largest internet hosting service are making decisions without collecting relevant data first, or worse, wilfully ignoring the data available that doesn't support their preference? That is not a good sign for the future growth of AWS.

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