[-] FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee 44 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Pun 10/10, execution 6/10

“You can’t even ask them to drop the puns—their response will just be Dublin down”

[-] FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee 65 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

He’s not having a hooker shit on his chest through a hammock though, might not be him.

[-] FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee 70 points 8 months ago

All western news is doing some strong work completely ignoring coverage of this narrative. Absolute fucking disgrace and travesty.

[-] FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee 67 points 8 months ago

Disney’s desperation is showing—just look at their stock price the past 2 years.. down 50%

I’m honestly surprised they didn’t raise their subscription fees sooner. Unfortunately for them it’s a double edged sword, which will cause a lot of people to cancel and quite possibly harm them in the long run.

[-] FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee 108 points 8 months ago

“Violating international law” is pretty sterile/soft verbiage for fucking war crimes.

[-] FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee 67 points 8 months ago

He is literally crying in the picture though. What is this book of lies?

[-] FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee 56 points 8 months ago

Swap coffee and energy drinks. Energy drinks are def the most braindead of the bunch—I know, I used to buy them.

Also where is the “100mg adderall” option?

[-] FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee 43 points 9 months ago

Sometimes working at something for long enough puts you into like a fugue state. It’s like the opposite of “flow” where you just dumb down.

^This happens to me only when I had entered my dumbzone the previous shift

[-] FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee 87 points 9 months ago

It’s honestly fucking hilarious how hard Musk has Trumped this company.

People are still going to call it twitter and tweeting because it’s usable in a sentence. Calling it “x” is a thoroughbred-mouthbreather move. For example:

“Twitter tweeted an announcement that it would add disclaimers to tweets with misleading and false information regarding voter fraud”

“X x’d an announcement that it would add disclaimers to x’s that american elections are rigged and Trump and Musk are totally not the swamp they complain about”

Blaze your glory!

At a certain point it’s not trolling, you’re just being a retard.

[-] FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee 185 points 9 months ago

They want it to be difficult to cancel. Shit like this should be illegal.

[-] FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee 171 points 9 months ago

Us common folks may not have flying cars or jetpacks yet but this shit is pretty dope.

[-] FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee 184 points 9 months ago

Everywhere I look everything is getting fucked to death. Insects, fish, entire ecosystems, entire climates, entire regions near the equator, all FUCKED.

Then my uncle says “how come it’s getting colder some places, I thought the globe was supposed to be warming! Hahahah”

At least he can arguably not give a fuck. He is rich and has no kids. I don’t get why the poors on the right side of the spectrum are so willing to parrot this idiotic bullshit though, don’t they realize their 600 even-poorer grandchildren are FUCKED?

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