[-] EndOfLine@lemm.ee 63 points 1 month ago

The young man sporting the white mask and a white hoodie in widely shared video clips is Edan On, a local 18-year-old high school senior, his mother confirmed to CNN, though she later said he denies being at UCLA.

His mother must be so proud 🙄

“Edan went to bully the Palestinian students in the tents at UCLA and played the song that they played to the Nukhba terrorists in prison!” his mother boasted in Hebrew on Facebook, referencing Hamas. She circled an image of him that had been broadcast on the local news.

Oh, I guess that she is.

[-] EndOfLine@lemm.ee 65 points 3 months ago

Is each instance like another person with a server?

Yeah. I would assume that most, if not all, open instances are going through a 3rd party hosting service, but nothing stopping them from being hosted on hardware in somebodies home.

Could that person just shut it down whenever they wanted to?

Yup. Anytime and for any reason. It might cause a moment of disruption, but the beauty of federation is that you can always setup an account on a new instance or create your own.

Are there any companies that have invested in hosting Lemmy/ other fediverse servers?

Yes. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Facebook federating their Threads services. I'm sure that there are others.

[-] EndOfLine@lemm.ee 66 points 3 months ago

See, now that is the type of information that would have been useful in the article. I don't care that the property "included horse stables, a swimming pool and a 10-bedroom guesthouse". I care how somebody got trapped in their car.

Thanks for sharing.

[-] EndOfLine@lemm.ee 38 points 3 months ago

Could she not have opened the door or rolled down the window? The article made sure we knew that she went to Harvard and described the event she was attending, but no mention of why she was unable to exit the vehicle. Did she not know how to swim? Was their some obstruction? Did something malfunction? Was she so used to having other people do things for her that it just never occurred to her to do anything for herself?

[-] EndOfLine@lemm.ee 59 points 3 months ago

It's not clear why the man wanted so many vaccinations or how he obtained them.

Schober and the team compared the man’s immune responses—measured by his blood antibody levels, the first line of defense against a virus, and T cell levels, which are responsible for the body's longer-term response—to those of a control group of 29 people who had received three COVID-19 shots.

“His immune system was neither positively nor negatively affected," says Schober.

I fixed the article. Somebody accidentally added a bunch of crap that provided no meaningful information.

[-] EndOfLine@lemm.ee 30 points 4 months ago

I don't think that sex can be determined until after the 7th week. Did Alabama just embrace non-binary identifications for children?

[-] EndOfLine@lemm.ee 21 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I think this line hints at it the underlying motivation.

A national poll conducted in late 2022 found that 4 out of 10 Americans believe society has become too "soft and feminine."

Basic mysogyny to have a negative and / or "less than" mentality around women. I think a lot of males don't consciously realize how much they marginalize and dehumanize women but are desperate to avoid being treated or thought of in the same manner. But that's just an opinion based on zero research on the topic.

[-] EndOfLine@lemm.ee 58 points 4 months ago

That's the most beta thing you can do.

I've never heard anybody I would consider "manly" identify behaviors as "beta" or "alpha". Only a bunch of scared little boys who are still overly obsessed with their penises.

[-] EndOfLine@lemm.ee 40 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

To be fair, both of his daughters are adults, and more than capable of speaking out against their father's abhorrent behavior. Additionally, they stand to benefit, directly or indirectly from their father's actions. They are also likely to be among the very small group of people that Brett Farve would listen to and could be shamed by. I would not consider them innocent bystandards.

[-] EndOfLine@lemm.ee 24 points 7 months ago

The first two sentences of the article literally answer your question.

[-] EndOfLine@lemm.ee 16 points 8 months ago

Whaaaaaat? Corporate leaders don't care about honoring costly changes that will fundamentally change their industry when making those changes isn't tied to their compensation and the deadline for achieving them isn't until after they retire or are even dead?

I, personally, am shocked.

[-] EndOfLine@lemm.ee 11 points 9 months ago

universal mask and COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the city

So municipal mask and super flu vaccines are still okay?

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