[-] EatATaco@lemm.ee 1 points 1 hour ago

She demolished him in votes. You take super delegates out, she still destroys him.

Pretending that you know that it was meant to influence the voters is nonsense, but pretending that this actually swayed enough that it might have made it even close is just downright ridiculous.

[-] EatATaco@lemm.ee 1 points 2 hours ago

So you are saying that millions of people were swayed by super delegates? It was extremely early, NH early, that people started getting pumped that sanders could win. The media hyped up the race despite it never being close.

It's grasping at straws to claim that this is why she demolished him.

[-] EatATaco@lemm.ee 3 points 2 hours ago

Literally all of these have been a long ideological lines. Do you really think she would have appointed conservatives? Are "muh both sides"ers really this out of touch with reality?

[-] EatATaco@lemm.ee 0 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago)

One of the earliest was NH, which he did very well in, and which gave rise to "sanders has a chance!" And really shocked everyone.

He probably did way better because he was hyped as having a legitimate shot after that, he even though it clearly wasn't the case.

She demolished him. The order of the voting had little to do with it, if not possibly even helping him.

[-] EatATaco@lemm.ee -5 points 17 hours ago

She demolished sanders in the primary. Get over it. The belief that she only won because of some dirty tricks or that sanders was screwed is just nonsense. I wish he had won, and i voted for him, but unfortunately reality tells a much different story. This belief he was screwed is no different than the belief that trump was screwed in 2020.

[-] EatATaco@lemm.ee 5 points 19 hours ago

I’m not murican, I only know that the US supreme court has at least 9 justices.

You should then also realize how little you know about it and not use it to make sweeping generalizations about America politics.

But no, you're still trying to both sides it. Fucking wow.

[-] EatATaco@lemm.ee 13 points 20 hours ago

Holy shit i can't believe someone is trying to both sides this. Trump got three nominees, and put 3 far right wing people on the court. If Clinton had put three people on, this would have all gone absolutely been like left wing of the court now, and these people would have gone the other way. And we still have morons clinging to the nonsense that it's the fault of both sides. Amazing.

[-] EatATaco@lemm.ee 18 points 20 hours ago

But both sides are the same.

God damn it, i wish Clinton had won so bad. It would be the exact opposite and corporations wouldn't be getting this free reign. Fuck.

[-] EatATaco@lemm.ee 4 points 22 hours ago

This is why it has to come from the bottom up. All of the people saying "im sitting out of this election" or "i'm voting third party" are just acting in vain. It's all vanity as they want to pretend they are doing something while not actually doing anything. If you want this system to change, you have to go out in local elections and push for people who will change it to ranked/star voting, and then have that move up. Then you have people who have won under those conditions voting for it, which makes it a ton more likely.

[-] EatATaco@lemm.ee 16 points 22 hours ago

If they push Biden out and DONT pick Harris they’re literally telling the public that this presidency is not legitimate.

The rest of your post makes sense, but if they choose a new person to run they aren't admitting that this presidency is not legitimate. How the fuck do you even get yourself to this point? And how does this nonsense even have any upvotes?

[-] EatATaco@lemm.ee 19 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

My friend came to visit me in Boston. He's a bit skittish and dramatic. He was driving and came upon a rotary. He kept repeating "what is this?" before we entered onto it. I was explaining to him that he literally just had to get out at the first exit so he didn't even really need to get onto it, just turn right, but he just saw an opening and pulled in.

Immediately he went to the center and just kept circling around it screaming. I was trying to calm him down, but I was laughing too hard. We had to have gone around 5 times before he got his shit together and just exited his first chance. I drove around the long way so he didn't have to go in again. But the thought of getting pulled over did cross my mind.

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