[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 94 points 6 months ago

Cancel culture.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 66 points 6 months ago

Sad that something like this is even needed but the US is full of bigoted hypocrites that want to turn the country into a religious state.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 104 points 7 months ago

That's how I look for broken mods too. Move half of them into a temp folder, launch the game. If it works, put half of the sorted out ones back. if it doesn't work, remove another half and try again.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 69 points 7 months ago

It amazes me that covidiots still don't understand the difference between inside and outside spaces for that matter. If people breath and cough around the outside, shit will just be swept away by the wind. If people do that in enclosed spaces, then they'll just start to saturate the air with germs over its prolonged time. And then you even expect them to take off the mask when they're in the witness stand? Do you think that's like a germ free zone? lol

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 68 points 8 months ago

Jetzt weiß ich endlich woher dieser Schwachsinn der "Notwehr" gegen Klimakleber kommt. Das Argument hab ich damals tatsächlich in diversen sozialen Medien gesehen.

Obligatorisches Max Goldt Zitat:

„Das, was Ernst August sagte, rief zwar stilistisch laut nach Lehrers Rotstift, es hatte aber eine beachtliche Energie. Vor allem sagte er inhaltlich Richtiges. Er sagte das, was jeder unverbogene Mensch einem Mitarbeiter dieses Blattes sagen sollte. Diese Zeitung ist ein Organ der Niedertracht. Es ist falsch, sie zu lesen. Jemand, der zu dieser Zeitung beiträgt, ist gesellschaftlich absolut inakzeptabel. Es wäre verfehlt, zu einem Redakteur dieses Blattes freundlich oder auch nur höflich zu sein. Man muß so unfreundlich zu ihnen sein, wie es das Gesetz grade noch zuläßt. Es sind schlechte Menschen, die Falsches tun.“

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 90 points 8 months ago

Tesla seems to be about to learn some hard lessons about workers rights in various EU countries. lol

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 95 points 8 months ago

The travesty is how many people are unable to say this out loud. Everyone is stuck in their black & white tribalism, making them blind for their own sides atrocities.
You can be pro Palestine and still condemn Hamas. You can be critical of the Israeli government and still grief for all the innocent Hamas victims. It's not actually that hard to be a decent human being.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 76 points 8 months ago

I remember when absolutely no one used https and then in a matter of a couple years things got really fast. Now you can easily browse with https required and only occasionally find the odd website that doesn't use it (mostly some internet relic). That was such a great transition when it happened though.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 75 points 10 months ago

Afaik this (third party) investigation was started by Terren Tong, the CEO, who was not in this position as of this year and Madison left a couple years ago. I think on this part we can at least give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Linus position might be a very different matter though.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 86 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

To be fair, GN provides excellent Chapter selection to encourage you to skip to whatever you want to know. You don't have to watch the whole thing if you don't want to. I'm more annoyed by them using those idiotic clickbait thumbnails. Complete no-go for me.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 92 points 10 months ago

Are we ignoring the PC as a platform?

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 107 points 10 months ago

AfDler sind staatlich geduldete Nazis / Faschisten.

submitted 11 months ago by DarkThoughts@kbin.social to c/linux@kbin.social

So, after EndeavourOS's GRUB comitted suicide, me being too stupid to understand chroot despite wiki "tutorials" and the community rather trolling & gaslighting me instead of helping I decided to give Nobara a go. Usually I am a Plasma KDE guy, but thought since it's been a long time I try it out, especially since you can have it in a more classic configuration those days again, even though I'd miss out of Wallpaper Engine.

Unfortunately my experience has been nothing but awful. A bunch of random bullet points of my experience:

  • I had real trouble connecting my BT headphones. At first it was "connected", but not really. Tried a fresh pairing mode, but then it showed two headphones. Then it connected, but as soon as I tried to adjust the audio input / output settings it lost audio again and I had to repeat it yet again. Now it works, and I decided to never touch the audio settings ever again.
  • "Files" is constantly crashing. Using the search? Crash. Going backwards? Crash. Try to do "something"? Crash. Do nothing? Probably also crash (hyperbolic).
  • "Files" data transfer for copying & deleting files is slow as hell for whatever reason (on decent Samsung SSDs mind you).
  • "Files" cannot multitask. If you're copying, scanning, deleting or whatever, it won't do anything else until that process is done.
  • "Files" and other Gnome applications frequently bug out if you try too many things at once, freezing or crashing them.
  • "Files", or even Gnome as a whole, is so incredibly scrapped for features to achieve its simplistic look, that it lacks actual functionality.
  • Gnome's settings are also missing for everything, or hidden in a gazillion different config menus, some of which I already forgot how to access again.
  • Scaling scales not just the UI, but also 3D applications like games, reducing their actual resolution and making them blurry. The UI seemed to be blurry as well.
  • Mullvad VPN's tray icon somehow turned into some three dots with a weird background.
  • In the tray menu there's also a VPN toggle, which shows Mullvad, but being turned off. Turning it on disables my connection and I have to reconnect through Mullvad, which turns the toggle off again. No way to remove the redundant toggle as far as I can tell, but maybe it's in some hidden settings menu that I have yet to find.
  • OpenRGB in this does not work with my NZXT Hue 2 Ambient. Keeps asking for resize zones, which according to a search should not be necessary, and wasn't necessary with the one I used in EOS either. Selecting any color just turns the LEDs off.
  • Launching the Battle.net launcher through Lutris it also opens some ghost "OpenGL Renderer" application with it, taking up space on the task bar.
  • Battle.net launcher can't be maximized without constantly resetting or displaying information beneath the task bar.
  • Can't launch .sh files unless I explicitly right click & Run as program.
  • Unfortunately it then launches with an additional empty terminal window, yet again taking up space on the task bar.
  • Had to create a new FF profile because using my old one somehow was unusable in regards to its performance.
  • The weather location for the little clock thingy apparently can't find anything, city or country, except some locations that aren't near me.
  • Can't remove my own review in the Software center for one of the apps that I did prematurely.
  • Tray area also has this little tiling menu. I tried tiling, hated it. Couldn't find a way to remove that icon to save space on the task bar.
  • After a lot of apps started to hang I tried restarting, just to be left in a blackscreen and the PC not shutting down. Had to hard reset to restart.
  • No EurKey keyboard layout. There's a 'German (US)' one that's close but it's missing symbols.
  • Maybe probably more things that I can't recall right now.

And that's just after a few hours of usage. I was making fun of the tiny issues in KDE before, but if I have to choose between that and this disaster then I'm probably going to switch to the KDE edition, if I cannot find solutions to all this. I really don't understand how people can deal with it? Or am I somehow the only one?

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