[-] DakRalter@thelemmy.club 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I'm sorry to say I tried this and it worked.

I also got a person to leave by writing VY Canis Majoris. I'm not sure how they interpreted that.

[-] DakRalter@thelemmy.club 2 points 4 days ago

Strangely, I got my letter saying my "postal vote forms will arrive soon" two days after I received the postal vote forms. I got confused for a moment there!

[-] DakRalter@thelemmy.club 3 points 4 days ago

Props to Ranty, too.

[-] DakRalter@thelemmy.club 1 points 4 days ago

Most of the big names in the flerf community are grifters, for sure. But many of the people who follow them are genuine believers. I have a relative who's a die-hard flerfer.

Sheeps and Neeps was a small time flerfer who literally died because his conspiracy theory beliefs about cancer treatment, and there was that guy who went up in a rocket and came down in pieces. So some of them really do believe it. In my relative's case, he went through a lot of trauma, flerfers give him a sense of belonging and something to hold onto.

[-] DakRalter@thelemmy.club 16 points 1 week ago

Never mind that, Windows 10 did an update a couple of days ago, and now my dual boot screen has gone. I literally can't start my Linux Mint anymore, it boots straight to Windows :(

There is a way to get it back with the command line, but my computer nerd days are over.


I'm assuming that command needs to be edited to whatever my setup is, I have no idea.

[-] DakRalter@thelemmy.club 10 points 2 months ago

I just had a colleague mock me (good naturedly) the other day for having an android phone. I just laughed and said, I'm no fan of Google but at least I can install what I want on here. That was the end of it, haha.

[-] DakRalter@thelemmy.club 74 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Why are union subs so high in the US? As a part time worker I pay under a tenner a month, but even as a full time worker, I'd be paying £16.

[-] DakRalter@thelemmy.club 10 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

It's fun asking kids, if 100 is knowing everything and zero is knowing nothing, how much do you know? And they'll answer something like 80 or 90.

Then you ask them how many words they know in the dictionary. Then you ask how many words they know in other languages. And then they realise they don't know much at all and agree the answer is something more like 0.0000000000001. (needs more zeros)

[-] DakRalter@thelemmy.club 9 points 8 months ago

I met Monica Lewinsky in London once. I didn't recognise her until she paid with a card without a signature and I had to ask for photo ID and I was like ohhhhhhhh.

[-] DakRalter@thelemmy.club 9 points 1 year ago

Why should there be a cut-off age? JM Pescado was playing and modding Sims 2 in his 80s wasn't he?

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