[-] DaGeek247@kbin.social 17 points 5 months ago

He probably killed himself because

Using someones suicide to preach about your own personal cause is a dick move.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by DaGeek247@kbin.social to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

I recently got it into my head to compare the various popular video codecs in an effort to better understand how av1 works and looks compared to x264 and x265. I also had ideas of using a intel video card to compress a home video security setup, and what levels of compression I would need to get good results.

The Setup
I used the 4k 6.3gb blender project, tears of steel as a source. I downscaled the video to 1080p using all three codecs, and then attempted to compare the results using various crf levels.

To compare results I used imgsli, FFMetrics, and my own picture viewer to try and see what the differences are.

The Results

crf av1 KB x265 KB x264 KB
18 419,261 632,079 685,217 – x246 visually lossless
21 352,337 390,358 – x265 visually lossless 411,439
24 301,517 – av1 VAMF visually lossless 250,426 263,524 – x264 good enough
27 245,685 165,079 – x265 good enough 176,919
30 205,008 110,062 122,458
33 168,192 73,528 86,899
36 139,379 – av1 My visually lossless 48,516 63,214
39 116,096 31,670 47,161
42 97,365 – av1 my good enough 20,636 35,801
45 81,805 13,598 27,484
48 69,044 9,726 20,823
51 58,316 8,586 – worst possible 16,120 – worst possible
54 48,681 - -
57 39,113 - -
60 29,062 - -
63 16,533 – worst possible - -

Here is av1 rcf 36 vs crf 24.

I go into more detail with the hows and whys of my choices, in my journal-style blog post, as well as how i came to these conclusions, But in essence, if you want to lose practically no visual information, crf24 through 36 for av1, crf 21 for x265, and crf 18 for x264 will do the job.

If you are low on space, using my 'good enough' choices will get you practically the same visual results while using less space, depending on the codec.

[-] DaGeek247@kbin.social 36 points 6 months ago

Anyone else notice the logo on her shirt in the fourth panel?

[-] DaGeek247@kbin.social 32 points 6 months ago

Only acoholics actually need to try to convince others that they aren't alcoholics. Nobody goes up to a person on the street to start aggressively asking if they have a drinking problem.

Any serious questions about how alcohol is affecting your life will quickly demonstrate whether it is is or isn't a problem, without you ever saying that you don't have a drinking problem.

[-] DaGeek247@kbin.social 55 points 6 months ago

pedophilia, with excuses.

[-] DaGeek247@kbin.social 31 points 7 months ago

My parents had nine kids. The eldest still doesn't talk to them, ten years after he left. Our two experiences must mean that the average reality is somewhere in between. Resentment sounds about right. /s

Isn't it neat how we can have different experiences? Just because you are happy with your specific situation does not mean that certain actions won't tend to cause resentment in the average home.

[-] DaGeek247@kbin.social 20 points 7 months ago

Manishtushu is nearly the worst name i have ever seen. Kids would absolutely wreck that guy all the way to college.

[-] DaGeek247@kbin.social 13 points 7 months ago

100$ isn't cheaper than 55$. That's 200% more than the pi. If someone is looking for a pi because of the price, a 100$ computer isn't an option.

[-] DaGeek247@kbin.social 173 points 7 months ago

Is it $60 or less? Everytime one of these alternative boards with an assload of more features pops up, nobody bothers to mention the price. Obviously we could spend more money to get more features, that's what spending more money does. You can't replace something without actually offering an alternative. The pi's biggest selling point was that it was cheaper than a steak dinner. If you dont match or beat that, you aren't actually competing with the pi.

[-] DaGeek247@kbin.social 54 points 8 months ago

Meh, i hate the design too, but i can absolutely support someone looking into making their linux install more personal.

[-] DaGeek247@kbin.social 14 points 8 months ago

We know. What you're asking for is the wrong to thing to ask for, here in these forums. Aint nobody got time for walking a strqnger through thw entire install process of five or eight different self hosting programs. My own personal process has taken several months and is still ongoing.

[-] DaGeek247@kbin.social 20 points 8 months ago

Forge it. Governments mostly take paperwork in good faith, and only question it beyond surface level if they are given a reason to.

[-] DaGeek247@kbin.social 54 points 10 months ago

if there was an extention that could skip the sponsor segments inside the videos themselves I’d use it in a heartbeat.

sponsorblock does that. it's crowd sourced, so it doesn't always work with the small channel newest videos, but it's very good at what it does considering.


Hey y'all, I've been using my.freenom as my domain registrar for the past six years without too many issues. I've kept it mainly because it has been cheap as balls. However, I am now looking for a registrar that supports dynamic dns and would love to hear your suggestions. The first results that pop up are google and godaddy which are not what I'm looking for. (I actually had issues with godaddy stealing domain names all the way back in 2010, but that's another story) A local community reference is worth a lot more to me than a top search result.

The plan is to set up my domain to point to my local IP for stuff like valheim servers so i don't have to share an IP every time we want to play. My friendlywrt router supports dynamic dns out of the box, so that's what I'm looking to use for my domain.

Also, it needs to support subdomains going to different places. Complete access to the dns records is enough, but I would love a more user friendly interface for adding things like a separate email host, a webhost address, plus a subdomain for the valheim server.

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