[-] Chobbes@beehaw.org 11 points 8 months ago

I don't think the first Cities Skylines shipped with bikes either? Wasn't it part of the After Dark DLC? Or maybe that was just bike lanes? I hate the DLC for Paradox games... It's so confusing that I think I'm just not going to buy their games anymore.

[-] Chobbes@beehaw.org 11 points 8 months ago

I guess you're just talking about one person, but I think Cities Skylines was received quite well in general? I just remember a bunch of praise for Cities Skylines (in contrast to Sim City 2013 which a bunch of people had a meltdown about).

[-] Chobbes@beehaw.org 9 points 8 months ago

Which RFCs are you referring to?

[-] Chobbes@beehaw.org 5 points 9 months ago

I'd agree that "it gets better later" isn't a good way to promote a game, but I dunno that a game has to be good (or at least at its best) from the start. Totally understandable if people don't want to, or can't invest the time into something that doesn't grip them right away, but at least for me a slow start can be really nice, especially when a game ends up unfolding in unexpected ways later on. I can enjoy that kind of pacing, and sometimes it's rewarding to have something start off kind of painful for one reason or another and become something much greater. At least personally I think a "weak start" can end up making the full experience better overall, as it's kind of a part of the journey.

But of course, if you're not enjoying it and you don't want to continue and you want to refund it... That's totally reasonable! A game that's a slow burn is probably a much harder sell and not going to appeal to as broad of an audience, and I think that's okay.

[-] Chobbes@beehaw.org 4 points 9 months ago

I'm sure it's a mix of things. Some of it's probably a lack of understanding, and sometimes it's a "don't let perfect be the enemy of good" situation. They might have their mask on and ready to go for situations where they might want to mask up or where somebody else might want them to mask up... Or... Whatever. Maybe even some people take it off to talk (which is frustrating) because they think it's easier to communicate that way and worth the risk to themselves and others and they'll pull it back up after because it still does limit exposure overall? I dunno. Maybe I shouldn't speculate too much. I guess I've been on the other side of this where a bunch of people were complaining about people wearing masks outside alone because it's "stupid and pointless" and I've definitely done that when going between places because it was just easier to keep the thing on for me (especially since I try to have it fit really well).

[-] Chobbes@beehaw.org 33 points 9 months ago

For some reason I find it really unlikely that Google would support a product for 10 years. They don't exactly have a great track record...

[-] Chobbes@beehaw.org 7 points 9 months ago

Hell, I’d settle for thunderbolt peripherals working reliably. Maybe it’s just a Linux problem (or maybe I don’t know what I’m doing), but I’ve never had a thunderbolt dock “just work” as advertised.

[-] Chobbes@beehaw.org 5 points 9 months ago

You'll almost certainly be perfectly fine. AMD cards generally work a lot smoother, and the open source drivers means things can be well supported all the time and it's great.

On Nvidia, in my experience, it's occasionally a hassle if you're using a bleeding edge kernel (which you won't be if you're on a "normal" distro), where something changes and breaks the proprietary Nvidia driver... And if Nvidia drops support for your graphics card in their driver you may have issues upgrading to a new kernel because the old driver won't work on the new kernel. But honestly, I wouldn't let any of this get in the way of running Linux. You have a new card, you'll probably upgrade before it's an issue, and the proprietary driver is something we all get mad about, but it mostly works well and there's a good chance you won't really notice any issues.

[-] Chobbes@beehaw.org 5 points 10 months ago

I loved the first one, but couldn’t get into the second. Didn’t really like the other characters too.

[-] Chobbes@beehaw.org 5 points 10 months ago

Oh boy, Myst… Overall I think I enjoyed Myst, but mostly I enjoyed the books in the library and the world(s). I completed Myst without a guide and I think in terms of early point and click adventure games it’s on the straightforward side… but it can be a real pain to notice some areas and some things are needlessly obtuse, and frankly I didn’t like most of the puzzles. Honestly, I can completely understand why people wouldn’t like Myst, it’s far from perfect…

Riven, on the other hand… is kind of amazing. There’s a few things that are needlessly difficult to spot in Riven, but it’s a little easier to navigate because there’s more frames. Riven is gorgeous, though, and the puzzles are a bit more interesting. I don’t think everybody will love Riven, but it holds up a lot better than Myst does.

[-] Chobbes@beehaw.org 5 points 10 months ago

I’m surprised how many fellow xmpp people I see on here, because I feel like matrix has a lot more of the public consciousness. It’s nice! I’m pretty happy with xmpp, though I wish I could find some larger communities.

[-] Chobbes@beehaw.org 6 points 10 months ago

Yeah. I mean, sometimes RAM getting “wiped” is a “feature”, e.g., you don’t want somebody to be able to pull information from RAM after you shut off your computer… but that’s not really what it’s designed for (and you can recover data from powered off RAM in some lucky cases). It’d be sweet if we could have fast non-volatile memory. Having a computer use 0 power when suspended and not having to worry about hibernating to disk would be sweet! I do kind of wonder about the security RAMifications of that, but I guess it’s not much worse than having a laptop suspended currently.

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