[-] CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 day ago

The best one right now is the OnePlus 6/6T, which has a relatively modern SoC.

[-] CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml 5 points 2 days ago

Installing postmarketOS on it to turn it into a full fledged pocket PC. It now runs all your favorite Linux-compatible desktop applications except for those that don't have ARM64 versions, and even then emulation layers can fix this. It's not 100% as I haven't been able to get Steam working (it starts but errors out before the login screen) though I have seen some people have success on other distros so maybe it's a pmOS/Alpine/musl specific issue even though I was using distrobox with Debian to actually run it.

[-] CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml 33 points 2 days ago

Yeah, that ship has sailed.

[-] CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml 5 points 4 days ago

I don't use AliExpress often but for the commodities you want to stock your workshop with, it's often cheaper per unit with cheap shipping so if you want to order a bunch of something it's usually the way to go. Pre-COVID, clone Arduino Nanos were like $2 each on eBay but now they're like $5 at minimum. On AliExpress you can still ocasionally get them cheaper. I needed a bunch of them for a project and had exhausted my pre-COVID stash so I got a bunch on AliExpress and they work fine. For the less common stuff I'd not waste the time and just get it from somewhere with faster shipping. eBay often has free shipping on stuff while Amazon needs a $35 minimum if you don't have Prime, though I do make use of the free Prime trials and stock up when I get the offer.

[-] CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml 7 points 5 days ago

Amazon and eBay are my primary places to get electronics/maker parts. I don't buy them for cosplay, but I expect the things you're looking for are available from either and likely for a better price than Adafruit. If you can tolerate the wait, AliExpress.

[-] CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml 7 points 5 days ago

I use Fennec F-Droid on Android and LibreWolf on Linux/Mac/Windows.

[-] CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml 452 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

The only mistake Billy made is giving anything to AdBlock Plus, the people who have sided WITH the ads, instead of uBlock Origin, the true MVPs of the ad blocking world. I guess uBlock doesn't accept donations unfortunately, but still, ABP is shady and I would not support them.

[-] CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml 5 points 6 days ago

I just donate by whatever means the project offers. Sometimes it's paypal, sometimes patreon, sometimes GitHub sponsorship, sometimes something else like OpenCollective. Read the readme or homepage of the project to see what options they take.

[-] CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml 137 points 1 month ago

Recommendations and App Promotions sound an awful lot like ads to me. Showing me things I didn't ask for that you wish to sell me....that's called advertising and I don't care what dumb name you call it, they're still ads. Show me only what I actually want to see - the stuff I explicitly choose to pin to my personalized Start menu.

[-] CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml 110 points 2 months ago

Fuck Riot. Never playing their games again. If you're going to have a shitty anticheat at least give people the option to play in anticheat disabled lobbies. Besides, they should be doing anticheat at the server level not spying on the boot sequence of client PCs. That shit is unnecessary for a fucking banking app let alone a goddamn game. It's just a game, let us enjoy it rather than making such a ridiculously over the top response to cheating.

[-] CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml 139 points 2 months ago

Why support closed source software that hassles you when 7-zip is open source and works great?

[-] CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml 203 points 11 months ago

Unlockable bootloader, removable battery, headphone jack, being assembled with SCREWS rather than GLUE.

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