[-] BlueLineBae@midwest.social 36 points 1 month ago

While I think this is a step in the right direction, I don't think it's fair to put this on the grocers that didn't do anything wrong. This should be a labeling requirement for the manufacturer that's doing it. So instead of the one doing the harm having to take the brunt of the cost for doing it in the first place, instead the grocer has to take the time and money to do it and also keep up with any new changes. Again, step in the right direction. Never let perfect be the enemy of good.

[-] BlueLineBae@midwest.social 41 points 2 months ago

I work for one of the largest health care companies in the US and I can attest that they are genuinely concerned with what Amazon is doing right now.

[-] BlueLineBae@midwest.social 29 points 4 months ago

They did this in Chicago too and everyone immediately saw that it wasn't about reducing plastic, but about getting more money to the city. If they actually cared about plastic, they would actually ban it. And you know what, It's not hard at all. Think about what people were using in the 70s before plastic on everything was common. Paper grocery bags, wax paper at the deli counter, cardboard cartons for small fruit like blueberries, lettuce and potatoes laying bare on shelves instead of wrapped up in plastic bundles, beverages in cans and glass bottles. If they could do it, we can do it too.

[-] BlueLineBae@midwest.social 32 points 5 months ago

Same here brother. I went from almost a decade of 1.5 hour or more commutes to feeling healthier and happier than I had ever been. It was sad when we were kicked out of our apartment at the end of 2021, but we moved in with my parents temporarily and ended up buying a house in the spring using all the money we saved as a down payment. Thinking back, we saved far more than we had ever anticipated without even trying. We saved on gas, train fare, car maintenance, a dog walker, coffee or eating lunch at work. And then we also saved on just not going anywhere due to the pandemic like not vacationing or going out with friends. Even with all that, we definitely spent more money at the time on delivery orders, alcohol, and investing in home entertainment. But we still saved a shit ton and I wish every day that we could all just work from home if possible. Even aside from all the savings, think of how much less wasteful people were and how much less pollution we put into the air. Think of the extra sleep and the time spent with family instead of commuting. Having kids seemed so much more possible for the future working from home. But naw you gotta have that in-person interaction there isn't any other way except over the last 2-3 years but just forget that ever happened.

[-] BlueLineBae@midwest.social 32 points 5 months ago

I want a girl who gets up early GETS UP EARLY I want a girl who stays up late STAYS UP LATE

[-] BlueLineBae@midwest.social 34 points 5 months ago

Hmmm chicken and waffles reimagined? Or OR... Fish and waffles opposed to fish and chips! Ok now we're talkin!

[-] BlueLineBae@midwest.social 33 points 5 months ago

I've seen those and I usually try to report them. Not that it matters. By the time I see it, it says 832836268228847 applicants :/

[-] BlueLineBae@midwest.social 34 points 5 months ago

This is a weird situation and I have some insight as a Chicago resident. But I'm definitely not a lawyer, so take with a grain of salt. The way I understand it, is that under normal circumstances this situation is highly illegal as notice is required far in advance for residents to vacate the property. But under very specific emergency circumstances where the owner must vacate everyone on the property for safety, no notice is required but they have to pay to temporarily house the residents. So it doesn't matter which situation is taking place, the owner is in the wrong.

[-] BlueLineBae@midwest.social 30 points 6 months ago

For me it was the inspiration I felt from technological improvements. I grew up in a house where my father was a network engineer and would constantly have computers opened up he was tinkering with. And all through the 90s I saw more and more improvements that made me feel like the future would be even more amazing! This persisted well into the 2000s with the coming of social media and small commercial devices like MP3 players, cell phones, etc. It just seemed like everything was improving and that if a company stopped improving, another company would come along and give the people what they want! But now I live in a world where all of the things that used to excite me have betrayed me and anything new I am extremely skeptical of. I see all kinds of new and interesting technological improvements come along and while they seem like excellent ideas that would improve my life, I also see the many ways in which they would exploit me, my privacy, and my money. I would love to have a camera doorbell in which I can see who is at the door and talk to them while I'm not at home, but those devices are horribly insecure and you have to subscribe to their services. I just can't do it and I wish we could go back to the days in which you could just buy a product that might improve in a few years and you didn't need to worry about it watching you or costing money every month. Instead you could just be excited about your little gadget and dream about what the next version would be like.

[-] BlueLineBae@midwest.social 29 points 8 months ago


[-] BlueLineBae@midwest.social 35 points 10 months ago

I know a couple of guys who run a VCR repair shop in Wisconsin. They mostly just sit around and talk about movies instead of repairing VCR players. In fact, I don't think they've repaired a VCR player since the 80s. Not sure how they're still in business.

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