[-] BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf 23 points 6 months ago

Libby is the service my library uses. The state capital gives everyone a free library card also, so I get access to a much wider library than i would otherwise. Bullshit the restrictions publishers require, like forcing the library to buy a license for each “copy” of a book it loans, but libraries are still fighting the good fight more than anywhere else I know.

[-] BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf 21 points 6 months ago

I laugh at this every time I see it, but I also like to point out that Rage was, in fact, extremely explicit about what machine they were raging against.

[-] BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf 27 points 7 months ago

That’s the new president of Argentina, he’s a psychopathic anarcho-capitalist who claims he gets economic advice from his dead dog.

[-] BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf 20 points 7 months ago

Idk, I’d be willing to overwork myself if it were for a really good cause, like ending hunger, or rapidly building houses that will be provided free at point of use to unhoused and low income people, etc. definitely not a normal job I’d do it fit though.

[-] BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf 21 points 8 months ago

The US military hasn’t ever won an asymmetrical guerrilla war, so it’s not as absurd as you think. In that Instance, millions of people would likely die, but it’s still more likely that guerrillas survive for decades than it is the US wins.

[-] BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf 18 points 9 months ago

Jesus this is a terrible article, wtf is this supposed to mean?

The 1995 Disney 16-bit platform game Gargoyles is something that I vividly recall. Realizing my age next to a true gargoyle, I can firmly state that I don't.

I bet you’re right.

[-] BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf 39 points 9 months ago

Studies like this are important to counter the reactionary perspective that giving money to those experiencing housing will just feed addiction.

[-] BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf 26 points 11 months ago

Worked out so well last time, right?

submitted 11 months ago by BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 11 months ago by BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf 34 points 11 months ago

This is the inevitable conclusion to free-market based economies. The market will pick winners, and those winners will then have a capital advantage over all new entrants, allowing them to outcompete anyone they want, and to use their size to control the market at large. It’s literally built into the system. The attempts at reform we try are rolled back eventually, and we end up in the same place again. Ma Bell broke up, and for a while we had competition across the industry and innovation. Eventually, market leaders were picked, and we end up where we are now, with few options, and little difference between the ones we have.

[-] BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf 21 points 11 months ago

It was a joke about my countries propensity to support the bombing of innocent civilians under the auspice of “war on terrorism”, not a serious question. I appreciate you offering up that information though, much love.

[-] BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf 20 points 11 months ago

The US has its own instance?

submitted 11 months ago by BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf to c/memes@lemmy.ml

Also plugging !dbz@lemmy.tf, come make memes and shitpost about dbz with me!

baked (lemmy.tf)
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