[-] BarbecueCowboy@lemmy.world 11 points 1 hour ago

I'm not a fan of Andrew Tate, but we really got to lay off the hate on wife beaters. Tank tops are real comfy yall.

[-] BarbecueCowboy@lemmy.world 14 points 19 hours ago

I found a guy on linkedin that has the same name, just slot him in and pretend nothing happened, wouldn't even have to change any of the campaign marketing. Dude looks to be in his 20s and manages a coffee place, definitely more than qualified.

[-] BarbecueCowboy@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

This makes me irrationally angry because whenever I hear this, putting the time it took to ask would have been enough time to just type up a few sentences in an email that would explain everything everyone needed to know and then we've also got it in an easily searchable format so we can reference it later if needed.

I may be a little bitter.

[-] BarbecueCowboy@lemmy.world 22 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The 'But, everyone is a bit evil' argument is such bullshit, the concern here is obviously the extent of the surveillance, but no one can say you're entirely wrong because the definition of that is so broad.

It's kind of technical, but there are comparisons on the report itself, even a fancy table, to other popular shopping apps and there are some legitimately troubling items. For anyone else, I'd recommend skipping direct to the source:


[-] BarbecueCowboy@lemmy.world 11 points 3 days ago

As others have said, prices should be mostly stable, especially for big names, but you still might see a few small devs who were like "Oh shit, its the summer sale, we should add a discount" halfway through.

[-] BarbecueCowboy@lemmy.world 17 points 3 days ago

I know it's kinda hard to quantify and fireworks can be overpriced, but street value up to 10 million and 150,000 pounds puts that at around $67 a pound per fireworks. I know that's also a weird metric to use for fireworks, but that feels pretty high.

[-] BarbecueCowboy@lemmy.world 17 points 4 days ago

If I have to choose between keeping nature around and not having to buy an iron again, is gonna be a tough choice.

[-] BarbecueCowboy@lemmy.world 49 points 1 week ago

Alexa has a tendency to give you the 'featured' product no matter how precisely and specifically you ask her for something. Even if you don't have to research and know exactly what you want, it's almost always easier to just go find your phone.

The real game changer for Alexa was always having a voice assistant that you can integrate with just about whatever you want that isn't tied to someone's phone. The idea of going into someone's house and just saying 'Alexa, turn on the kitchen lights' or 'Alexa, is it cold outside?' is where the Alexa magic lies, but Amazon never could figure out how to make that profitable on it's own, just doesn't contribute to the business case.

[-] BarbecueCowboy@lemmy.world 67 points 1 week ago

But yes, what kind of unit is this?

How lifelong friendships are made.

[-] BarbecueCowboy@lemmy.world 31 points 1 week ago

If you search back far enough on some lemmy instances that have defederated others, you'll find ghosts of old content from those defederated servers, but it's all local to whatever instance you're viewing it on. A large amount of the content from the server that went down should also exist on the servers that server was federated with.

These lemmy instances have got to start running out of storage though, I haven't heard of any kind of automated purging. I'd bet someone somewhere is already working on an archive lemmy.

[-] BarbecueCowboy@lemmy.world 59 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I definitely support that we've pushed this show out of the forefront, but this is where a lot of the arguments for the flag as a 'symbol of southern pride' come from. It's a weird argument, and it is definitely not a fair one, but there's very fond associations in the south with that car even from people who had no clue where the flag came from. Super successful attempt to help the confederate flag be seen as acceptable, whether on purpose or not.

It's a weird show too for someone who isn't from the south... Racial diversity is non-existent in the show, but that's also pretty accurate for its location... It had some awesome car scenes, but no depth. The only hot take in the show beyond the flag painted on top (which wasn't even a hot take then) was that the government was widely seen as corrupt and it was more than a bit sexist.

[-] BarbecueCowboy@lemmy.world 29 points 1 month ago

Having been around awhile, it's so weird that people are trying to make the case that a republican presidency could be a good thing for... just about any country in the middle east. Not saying that any party is going to spend much time on it, but it's just a weird stretch.

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