[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 48 points 1 month ago

Gosh. Who saw THAT coming.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 50 points 2 months ago

RFK Jr. is a piece of dog shit drying in the hot summer sun. I can't imagine in any universe this guy (who makes me wish there was a Sirhan Sirhan Jr.) draining votes from Joe Biden when their views are diametrically opposed.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 50 points 2 months ago

Why was I expecting consequences?

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 50 points 4 months ago

I'd suggest this guy get the yogurt enema that was so popular at Kellogg during its early days.

(You know what cures those deviant sexual urges? Having thick white liquid injected into your rectum.)

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 49 points 5 months ago

The abortion "moderate," ladies and gentlemen. A reminder that whatever he's telling you to get elected is just honey. If he gets re-elected, he'll do whatever the hell he wants, the voters be damned.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 53 points 6 months ago

The theft was coming from retailers. Raising prices without raising the cost of living accordingly isn't inflation; it's exploitation.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 48 points 7 months ago

That might work... if I hadn't already switched over to Firefox! Charade you are, Google asswipes!

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 58 points 8 months ago

Paramount couldn't be dumb enough to cancel its best Star Trek series, could it?

(Remembers that someone at Paramount gave us six seasons of Two Broke Girls)


[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 54 points 9 months ago

No they won't! There's no way any of the big console manufacturers will ever agree to those terms, ESPECIALLY Nintendo. Microsoft would just buy Unity out before paying that ransom. You be smokin' some bigtime crack, Riccitello.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 49 points 10 months ago

Haven't drugs been used as an explanation for his mammoth missteps with Twitter? Because the way this guy is piloting the ship, he's going to crash it into Prince William Sound at any moment. They'll be scrubbing stupid posts off the seabirds for months.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 55 points 11 months ago

Or maybe we're just really bored and stupid.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 51 points 11 months ago

Yes. And I'll take no further questions on the subject.

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