[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 82 points 4 months ago

Anti-vaxxers, of course. Everyone thank the anti-vaxxers with both middle fingers!


I'm sure there's a valid reason, but I've got no idea what it is. Why "Kelvin?" Is that a reference to a character in the original Star Trek continuity?

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 59 points 5 months ago

Amazon's no longer any good at shipping, and Google's no longer any good at searching. What a terrible year to be a tech nerd.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 171 points 5 months ago

Fruit Stripe gum had the unfortunate distinction of being the most delicious thing you've ever put in your mouth, a total whirlwind of flavor... for five seconds. Then it's just sugar, then shortly after that, it's just nothing. It's like something Willy Wonka would have wished for on a monkey's paw.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 87 points 6 months ago

So long, Hausfraus for Fascism. Fucking Ku Klux Karens anyway.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 72 points 7 months ago

They've vowed to switch to their other favorite cereal, Racist Bran.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 80 points 7 months ago

Leave X and let it die, like you should have done when the butt-musk bought the site a year ago. Durr.

I can't believe people still use that site in light of everything we know about Musk. It should have been a ghost town months ago.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 77 points 7 months ago

Google, currently embroiled in an anti-trust lawsuit for having too much control over the internet, is pleading poverty. How amusing.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 112 points 8 months ago

My grandpa had a pig heart valve, and that thing lasted way longer than its warranty suggested. Yeah, he was told up front it would last ten years, but he got more out of it.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 71 points 10 months ago

The new name alone isn't what made Twitter crap, but it is symbolic of the massive changes made to the site by the new management. I like to think of it this way: Twitter is dead. X is the reanimated corpse.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 68 points 11 months ago

"Can't be bothered?" That's kind of obnoxious. Of course he can't release a physical copy; Disney would sue him.

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 80 points 11 months ago

I call it "irrelevant."

[-] ArugulaZ@kbin.social 195 points 11 months ago

You'll remember that name, because the moment the site appears, you'll click the little X on the top right corner of your computer screen to get rid of it.


Okay, so I got one of these at a thrift store for $15, and had the galaxy brain idea to open it up and swap out the old plate hard drive with an SSD, even though I don't have much experience repairing Apple devices.

You quickly come to the realization that while these machines are user-friendly, they're very UNfriendly to repair. There's a glass cover for the screen which must be suction cupped off, and eight Torx screws holding the display in place. When the screws are removed, they're quickly grabbed by the (STRONG!) magnetic edges of the system, making them an absolute "joy" to deal with. And what's worse, there are four data cables on the display, all difficult to reach. I accidentally pulled one of these out while reaching for the other three, and I'm a little worried that I may have damaged it. (It's the flat cable attached to a bronze connector, likely the screen data port.)

Anyway. I put the crazy thing together, and while I can hear it boot and the fan spin, the Apple logo does not glow white and the display does not turn on. So I'm a little worried I may have screwed myself on this attempted repair.

My two questions are this:

  1. Does anyone know the specific size and thread of the screws around the edge of the display? I'd like to swap them with something that isn't magnetic, and I've heard brass screws will do the trick.
  2. Next time I open this machine, I'll check the four display cables to make sure they're properly connected, but... what recourse do I have if the cable and/or connector are damaged? It seems like a display or motherboard swap would be necessary, and it's hard to justify that for a $15 computer, as much as I'd like to bring this back to life.

Thanks for any help you can provide, and my apologies if I've put this in the wrong magazine.

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