[-] Aaron@lemmy.nz 2 points 2 days ago

It depends on the country, but many are just time based. We moved by getting work and education visas and are renewing them until we can apply for residency, then citizenship. Luckily we've been planning this for over a decade and we had managed to save up and plan.. I've personally seen several people try to do the same and had to return to the US for financial reasons. It's heartbreaking.

[-] Aaron@lemmy.nz 6 points 1 month ago

I dunno, Thomas is still there, and I'm sure he wouldn't be with their iron clad ethics guidelines, right?

[-] Aaron@lemmy.nz 3 points 2 months ago

I'd settle for inventory sorting

[-] Aaron@lemmy.nz 7 points 4 months ago

"Don't look down! Don't look down!" shouted the man standing before the crowd, pumping his fist to accent each word. The chant went on for about 15 seconds, around 8 times the Florida crowd copied the politician before them. The crowd hushed as he began to speak again: "This... Is about control" he started. "'They' want you to be fearful, to be obedient... But we're not falling for their nonsense! They tried with the plan-demic and they're trying again with this. Well I say NO. We will be FREE because Patriots like you and me will never let them take that freedom!"

The crowd roared in cheers as the water lapped at their ankles.

[-] Aaron@lemmy.nz 12 points 6 months ago

Some real "I tied a string to my friend's house so it's technically one house and I didn't travel there on the Sabbath" energy

[-] Aaron@lemmy.nz 11 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

A game that captures the feeling of when Arthur Dent crash lands on that primitive planet in "The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" and makes a sandwich. I want The Sandwich Maker.

You crash into this procedurally generated world. All the plants and animals are new every playthrough, and you slowly learn about them through experimentation and from the native population who has never heard of a sandwich and really doesn't do much except eat raw ingredients. When you cook the meat from an animal instead of eating it raw, they all lose their minds with wonder and you become the town's chef.

You harvest wild crops and cultivate better ones. You find ways to use the animal fat and meat and "milk", you find plants that work as food, maybe their seeds are great crushed up with a little water into a paste, maybe you need to dry them out, maybe you need to de-seed them and mix them with another plant to make it taste better.. on and on.

You need to work with the people there to make tools, and together you iterate out exactly what you need.

Eventually you have to find something that matches your randomised flavour pallette for the perfect sandwich. You assemble all the ingredients you've collected, cultivated, or created, with the tools and techniques you and the townspeople have developed, and you take a bite. It's perfect. You win.

[-] Aaron@lemmy.nz 43 points 9 months ago

Imagine being in hospice and your birthday still has the power to shut down a major world government.

Jimmy is a good man. He deserves that honour.

[-] Aaron@lemmy.nz 36 points 11 months ago

My partner gave the reply "No, we're just practicing", the lady looked horrified. You asked about a near stranger's sex life, lady. I don't know what she expected.

[-] Aaron@lemmy.nz 2 points 1 year ago

Sorry, maybe it's just because I'm using a new app for lemmy, but what's the link? All I get is an image.

[-] Aaron@lemmy.nz 2 points 1 year ago

One of us... One of us..

[-] Aaron@lemmy.nz 2 points 1 year ago

Also NZ, South island, only time I boil water to drink is for tea ☕

Tastes great right from the tap.

[-] Aaron@lemmy.nz 6 points 1 year ago

Also depends on what's happening. I used to live in the US in Texas and when the power went out at all we would need to boil for a while. A lot depends on the local government and utilities in the US, every state and county seems to do stuff in a slightly different way.

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