
joined 1 year ago
[–] APassenger@lemmy.one 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

ITT: a lot of "either/or"

I'm not sure that evolution cares one wit about any of our theories. If it means I'm the dad and I'm the dad more often... then it will be favored.

If I enjoy it more, she enjoys it more or it means that my sperm have increased likelihood of winning... that's all that matters.

And when I say "or" above, it can include any of those things. It need not be exclusive.

[–] APassenger@lemmy.one 21 points 1 year ago (1 children)

No. It was alpha. If Google approves, look for excitement tomorrow.

I can accept a day or two of delay if I get a functional app for lemmy. I miss Sync so much...

[–] APassenger@lemmy.one -2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You need to Google "sea lion troll."

You're not using the term correctly. Or keep doing it wrong, up to you.

I understand that you've answered that you get to decide if a person is worthy of respect or dignity or decency. I find it highly ironic since you seem to exist on a part of the spectrum that would want those things for (almost?) everyone. That may not be true, but you seem inclined to push socialist ideas. I'm very open to that, personally. Many Americans are; the culture wars are used to distract and divide and it works.

If I've persisted in my question on why you become knee-jerk incivil, it's because the answers so far have landed as "because." Your most recent response hits more authentically and I appreciate it. I've sparred with trolls. I've sparred with those who genuinely disagree for good (and bad) reasons. Authentic, mature conversation appeals to me.

Dropping to name calling (emojis) based on the first reply on a thread lowers discourse. I'll stop here. I just wish that shit didn't happen so much.

I'm not your opponent but you sure set out that way when you correctly determined I'm in and from the US. The combativeness was not deserved, it was off-putting and I am much less likely to want to engage. Shrug.

[–] APassenger@lemmy.one -2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

I'm not jumping in to start fights. I jump in to ask why you're doing it.

There's a difference. Clown faces (a pattern,, not an instance), vomit emoji... all that is is you doing something for your feels and to feel better than. They do exactly zero for anything a normal, mature peraon would hope to generate.

You say you want meaningful exchange and you doggedly defend yourself as you bring the discourse down to single emoji and knee-jerk judgments.

You're creating an unhelpful dynamic. Being likeable helps. Being right is "logically" enough. For persuasion, it is a distant second on a good day.

Being more likeable and less glib can help. Or, You're not here to help. You're here to feel better than. Your choice and you get to choose, but be consistent. If it's the later, don't criticize it in others, please.

Let's go one further and I'll ask other than when I told you themat you required evidence and you were being a hypocrite, when did I demand evidence over and over? Or do you not know what sealioning is?

I'm not demanding evidence. I'm asking why you're so darn incivil to so many people. You look like an unsympathetic Don Quixote and it helps none of your points.

And if you're not here to persuade, why post so many of a specific kind of article.

Again. I don't follow you around. I'm in certain communities for a reason. And then you shit all over them.

It's daft, touched-in-the-head kind of behavior.

[–] APassenger@lemmy.one -2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (5 children)

Ah. The source of your anger.

The local Overton window shifted. You'd found a bubble you liked and now it's different and more perspectives are flooding in. Not all perspectives are informed, but you are being credibly challenged now.

The big fish in a small pond finds itself in a different body of water.

I'm not insulting people until very recently and it's only you. You cast a wide net with your anger and it's helping no one. And it hurts your cause.

I never said you sealion me. Not once. You keep seeing things as said that aren't. And then you complain about reading comprehension of your sparring partners.

It's shameful. And I'm not using that lightly. You act shamefully. It's fucking embarrassing the way you're trying to advance ideas by insulting people.

Other people are here. Adapt.

If we need to have a thread about maladaptive rhetoric so you cam deem my discussion on topic I'll point out that posting a single clown emoji or vomit one is not topical, either. It only further lowers discourse and makes you into an easily discarded clown.

And I doubt you want that.

[–] APassenger@lemmy.one -2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

China can have a near vertical climb in production (your chart) but no one else can?

The vertical change takes planning and time, but no one has a lock on it. Especially if it becomes a strategic resource (and it has).

[–] APassenger@lemmy.one -2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Jesus you're prolific and ubiquitous.

You win the glib trophy on this branch. Not them.

You really need to check yourself. You are galvanizing people into positions you want them to move off of. Are you doing this on purpose?

[–] APassenger@lemmy.one -1 points 1 year ago

Trump can fuck off to jail. I'd like to see him tried for treason.

DeSantis has shown he's a non-starter.

At this point they're hoping for a dark horse pro-retreat candidate.

[–] APassenger@lemmy.one -2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (7 children)


Come on now. You attack without much provocation at all. But there's no hate or purity tests?

That's a damn lie.

What you've missed (clearly) in a lot of this is I could be an ally on some topics but you can't stop lashing out in some "righteous" crusade.

If persuasion were a battlefield, you'd be killing your own.

[–] APassenger@lemmy.one 3 points 1 year ago

All systems require a check on greed and something that pulls things back to balanced. What we have (in the US) right now isn't it.

SCOTUS has not helped in the least.

We need incentives for participation because "the feels" isn't enough to motivate most to work all that much. But we need taxes and laws to keep things from skewing like they have.

[–] APassenger@lemmy.one -2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (9 children)

See... that's the thing. I never said...

You're off your rocker. I'm tired of being completely misrepresent while you say I said things I didn't.

And that, is how I know you hate. You do it persistently.

Your replies in the branch are as off topic as my own. And you know it. No high ground left.

I'll add: I'm not that worked up about whether I'm respected. It's that you throw your disrepect around potential and quasi-allies for not being pure enough. I've stated this clearly multiple times.

To add further: posting a slew of links criticizing the US for trying yo help spread Democracy when your aspersions go far further... isn't the kind of critical thinking you present it to be.

It's like me saying soviet Russia wanted more communism in the world. It's obvious.

[–] APassenger@lemmy.one -1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

With the country built into the community name. Less confusion and wasted energy that way.

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