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PrePub - Ascendance of a Bookworm

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  • Ascendance of a Bookworm
  • Honzuki no Gekokujou
  • 『本好きの下剋上』

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[–] cocobean 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Epilogue already!

Lutz x Tuuli is now canon.

Holy Lanzenave world building Batman!

Detlinde being a complete fool and inviting invasion. Also she commented on his scent...there be drugs

Hopefully Justus was able to lip-read all that.

It's interesting how angry Ferdy was about the treatment of the much does he remember his mother? I thought he was whisked away very young, but maybe I'm misremembering.

I wonder how Detlinde's shenanigans tie into Raublut's and Georgine's plans, whatever those might be. Is this great for them? Disastrous?

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Was it Ferdinand's letter that alluded to him knowing about Detlinde's association with Leonizo? Regardless of whether Justus caught all of it I bet he knows pretty well what she's doing since she's been very open about her demands to Ferdinand.

[–] No_Nick_Needed 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I wondered about that too... and I think Ferdinand might have been mildly drugged by accident.

Remember how what little brains Detlinde has rattling in her mostly empty skull completely melted down, the moment she smelled Leonzio's sweet smell up close and he touched her hand?

He already tried to touch Detlinde during their introduction, but had his hand smacked away by Ferdinand. I suspect that he tried to touch her, to put her under the effect of a drug. And when Ferdinand smacked his hand away, he got some of this onto his own skin, which might have cause him to take in a small dose of this drug, which in turn might have dulled his mind to some degree, while Detlinde later got a full dose during the private meeting.

The sweet smell would suggest Trug, but at least so far the effects seem to differ from the disorientation and memory loss reported by Matthias. I wonder if it's actual trug, but of a smaller dose, a more refined and targeted version of trug than Georgine uses, or a different drug, made partially from the same ingredients, but with some different ingredients for the different effect.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Isn’t it wonderful when a different country knows more about your most important founding document than your own leadership?

Also, as much as we like to hate Detlinde, I feel like Ferdinand was being a bit dumb this chapter. This isnt Ehrenfest with Rozemyne, where you can bully her, and you can rely on a somewhat competent support team to rein her in.

This is Detlinde, who basically is trying to speedrun getting executed for treason, and has no one reining her in. They let her do whatever she wants with minor wrist slaps.

I feel like Ferdinand let his frustration with Detlinde get the better of him. I have higher expectations of the Lord of Evil to deceive and manipulate Detlinde. Perhaps moving all his furniture the previous day wore him out.

[–] Deemo 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Did Lianzio trug Detind? Curious about the sweet scent.

[–] No_Nick_Needed 2 points 1 year ago


There seem to be some differences in the symptoms, so I'm not sure. It might be a matter of dosage, or maybe it's the same base ingredient as trug, but with some other components that modify the precise effects, or maybe a more refined and less crude version than what Georgine was able to cook up... who knows.

[–] No_Nick_Needed 3 points 1 year ago

I was rather shocked with the whole Lutz and Tuuli chapter.

Not with the revelation that they will marry... considering their respective situations in life, I have been expecting that for a while, and that they both are going to move to the Sovereignty, where they wouldn't know anyone than each other, only made this expectation into a near certainty.

No, what I was shocked about was, how Kazuki-sensei just had them get engaged "off-screen" and told us only after the fact and even more so how casual Lutz and Tuuli are treating this STATE SECRET! My eyes nearly popped out their sockets when Tuuli just casually mentions going to the Sovereignty in the middle of a crowded plaza!

If it was me, I'd refuse to talk about the issue at all outside of the relative security of one of our homes and even then I'd be debating hard within myself if I even told my family that once I leave the duchy, it's going to be toward the Sovereignty at all, much less half a year early. This is a top secret issue that could rip apart the duchy or even the whole country, if it was leaked early and they were warned in very clear words to not tell ANYONE about this.

I just hope that I'm only being paranoic and there hasn't been some secret mana-wielding agent sent to spy on either Lutz or Tuuli: We've seen from Rozemyne decompressing her mana, how easy it is for a mana wielder to sharpen their senses, including their ears, to well beyond Human capacity, not to mention Bonifatius' telescope vision when he specifically enhanced his eye-sight, which would make it rather easy to overhear their conversation, even from the other side the plaza I'd wager, without even having to consider magic tools...

[–] No_Nick_Needed 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

So a Grutrissheit can also be made by morphing a schtappe into it. That would certainly explain how both the previous king's and Waldifried's Grutrissheits could just disappear into thin air, upon their deathes.

Though considering how it's important to know the object you duplicate with a schtappe down to the tiniest detail, I can't help but wonder if making a physical transcription isn't easier. Sure you don't need to worry about materials with the morphed schtappe, but you need to know the entire book by heart, including all the magic circles... now that's a rather daunting task.

It also has the advantage that it's impossible to steal such a Grutrissheit and that you don't have to worry, what to do with it, after the owner's death.

I wonder if they did make physical transcriptions in the distant past and only switched to schtappe duplicates at some point.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

We've sern magical memory imprinting before. When Rozemyne learned the name of the Supreme Gods, she described them as getting burned into her mind, so forgetting them wasn't a concern. Similar for learning the magic words from the g-quest shrines.

The mana-mixing method of passing on magic artifacts we saw from Hannalore seems to work similarly.

[–] ludrol 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I wonder where one goes to make copies... [of Grutrissheit]

You know there is one nifty invention called printing press. And there is one yellow eyed gremlin sprinting to make a copy.

I smell a bloody coup from Lanzenave. Ferdinand knows that Roz made a deal with the king due the granting of secret room to him. Did Leonzio use some sort of aphrodisiac?

I can't remember from where was Ferdinand's mother.

[–] No_Nick_Needed 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The printing press won't matter for the Grutrissheit. To copy a magic tool book like the enchanted bibles, you need to also copy the magic circles and fit it with feystones and all that, so the enchantment can work. Copying only the text will just give you the stories and prayers, but none of the magical functionality, like operating country gates, redrawing internal borders and destroying or creating new duchy foundations.

And not even Rozemyne will be so brazen as to mass print the holy relic of Mestionora. Not when there are already perfectly non-magical versions of the bible to multiply.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

However, she might mass produce a book that teaches people how to properly manage their temples, work as High Bishop and Archduke Candidate at the same time, how to make divine instruments, gain divine protections and how to become a Zent Candidate. If all that information is published in far too many distributed copies to censor, the country has to revert to its original practices where anyone can be Zent.

[–] No_Nick_Needed 2 points 1 year ago

With how eager Trauerqual is to get out of his position, even if it means leaving Detlinde of all people on the throne, I feel like he's more likely to do that, once printing industry is established in the Sovereignty than Rozemyne herself. ^^

[–] No_Nick_Needed 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I wonder why the Lanzenave ships change colour during transfer.

My first thought was that the black overlay is specifically made to trigger the barrier to hide the fact that the ship's outer hull blocks magic. But then why would they not keep hiding the silver material, beneath the black layer the entire time they ankor in Ahrensbach? Does the black overlay also have some special property, that they wish to hide underneath the mana-blocking material?

Maybe the black overlay is flammable or somehow the silver material's mana blocking only works at full capacity when it's the outmost layer and has reduced effects, if it's further inside.

Either way, from Detlinde neither knowing, nor particularly caring about the colour change, we can pretty safely conclude that she has no clue about the existence of the silver material and that like usual Georgine kept her out of the loop. Nothing unexpected in this regard.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

My thought was that the black part blocks the mana blocking somehow, since the country gates are also teleporters and IIRC mana blocking stuff can't travel through teleporters.

[–] No_Nick_Needed 2 points 1 year ago

When I saw that there's a Detlinde side chapter, I expected it would also cover the incident at the funeral. I really hope that the final release will have a side chapter that covers the incident from someone else's point of view. Maybe Ferdinand, Justus or Letizia. Though I hope it's not the latter... Letizia already has enough problems and potentials for trauma, without having to see someone killed up close, so I would prefer for her to be out of sight when that happened.