this post was submitted on 24 Oct 2023
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1.) No bigotry of any kind, and don't be a jerk either

Bigotry includes but is not limited to: ableism, casteism, homophobia, lookism, queerphobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, and xenophobia. Bigotry towards non-binary people is transphobia. Truscum rhetoric is also bigotry. You getting punished for your hateful opinion, however, is not bigotry.

2.) No Spam

This includes both advertising and breaking your or my Lemmy instance's rules, such as vote manipulation or brigading.

3.) Posts must have something to do with being trans, or about trans experiences

Try to stay away from negative political events too. You can joke about it, but bringing attention to something bad happening in the world might take someone out of their comfort zone— this is an escape from the constant news cycle for some.

4.) No Selfies or Character Creations

Selfies are not memes! This is not a community for selfies. Picrews and other character creations such as Sims and Mii's are considered bandwagoning, and perhaps can be a part of a different community.

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This is an all ages community, so we prefer it if you take the NSFW stuff to one of the more adult oriented communities. Note: nudity is not allowed, we want everybody to be comfortable here.

6.) Submissions must be a meme or they will be removed
7.) Swearing is fine, but slurs are not

We want everybody to feel safe and comfortable here, so even if you want to reclaim a pejorative word that applies to you— we ask that you don't, as this is a light-hearted community and others stumbling across your post might feel unsafe.

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Be nice, and don't create social chaos. That's it. Pretty simple, huh?

Some notes:

1.) We highly encourage you to use alt text in your posts, so everybody can enjoy this community
2.) It would be really nice if you flaired your posts accordingly in the title

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Sibling forums:


Trans memes specifically about being closeted, unaware or in denial


Ordinary memes, but the community is very trans-accepting— and it only has one rule: when you encounter the page you must post a meme from your camera roll

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[–] 76 points 11 months ago (6 children)

I've (thankfully) never encountered a reference to helicopter genders IRL, however I can't seem to escape the fucking "they're putting litter boxes in classrooms!!" myth. It's such an utterly absurd, inane, asinine idea yet I've seen real people, who are seemingly functional adults, actually believe this.

Even if you buy into the conspiracy theories and think that the education system is some globalist socialist catgirl plot, do you think teenagers equipped with cell phones and social media wouldn't meme the shit out of the classroom litterbox? And yet, we still haven't seen a single picture proving this has ever happened anywhere. That doesn't stop people from believing it though, and somehow using it as an excuse to delegitimize and attack trans people.

[–] 54 points 11 months ago (3 children)

It's a lie spun out from a truth.

There have been issued cat litter to schools. The reason is in case of a lock down due to a school shooting the kids can urinate and defacate somewhere.

It's incredibly sad. The gun nuts believe it's their right to shoot up a school, but they won't allow cat litter to be issued to the class rooms.

[–] 22 points 11 months ago

Holy shit, that’s depressing. Finding out there’s a kernel of truth beneath it and that it’s this just wrecked me.

[–] 6 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Anything but sane gun laws, eh? Once again America, what the fuck is going on over there?

[–] 6 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Most Americans want a saner approach to guns. But the loud Republican minority makes the most noise.

From here

[–] 0 points 11 months ago

Suprised so many people want the assault style weapon ban. Thought it was only a few extremists who wanted that.

[–] 15 points 11 months ago

They believe it in part because transphobia is itself inherently irrational. They already carry around the hatred for no reason, so it’s not like they’re suddenly going to have standards before they believe whatever story they hear that caters to their outrage

[–] 12 points 11 months ago

and think that the education system is some globalist socialist catgirl plot

I want to believe

[–] 8 points 11 months ago

I completely diffused someone who believed in the litterbox thing by laughing as hard at it as it should be laughed at and pointing out how hard republicans are getting trolled

[–] 2 points 11 months ago (3 children)

I had never heard about litter boxes. Can you elaborate?

[–] 19 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

There was a very real conversation about putting litter boxes in classrooms as a way to give kids locked in a classroom during a school shooting for hours a way to use bathroom. That got twisted by far-right pundits that kids are identifying as cats and that's why they are putting litter boxes in classrooms. It's just another way to attack people that "identify" as the "wrong gender". It's complete bullshit and anyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together that can use Google could figure it out, if they weren't completely focused on denigrating anyone outside their strict interpretation of gender.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago (1 children)
[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Wikipedia has a source for the "lockdown kitty litter" concept mentioned above:

The only known official instance of cat litter being placed in school classrooms for potential use by students was in the late 2010s by the Jefferson County Public School District in Colorado, where the 1999 Columbine High School massacre took place. Some teachers were given "go buckets" that contained cat litter to be used as a toilet in an emergency lockdown situation, such as during a school shooting.[4][43][44]

Weird, but I suppose it's sensible. Better than having kids pee themselves in an extended lockdown.