Good afternoon! Newbie here, I've tried to install Lemmy using Ansible (Debian stable) and I ended up having an issue with the Postgresql connectivity (localhost via socket).

The error message I have is:

thread 'main' panicked at 'Error connecting to postgresql:///lemmy?user=lemmy&host=/var/run/postgresql: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory

I have updated my /etc/postgresql/15/main/pg_hba.conf from peer to trust to md5 with no success (rebooting Postresql each time).

My config.hjson is:

database: {
 uri: "postgresql:///lemmy?user=lemmy&host=/var/run/postgresql"
 password: "{{ postgres\_password }}"

Any idea / suggestion? Thanks!

PS: cross-posted on the Matrix.org install support chat

submitted 7 months ago by Illecors@lemmy.cafe to c/lemmy_admin@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.cafe/post/1403198


This is a quick write up of what I had spent a few weeks trying to work out.

The adventure happened at the beginning of October, so don't blindly copy paste queries without making absolutely sure you're deleting the right stuff. Use select generously.

When connected to the DB - run \timing. It prints the time taken to execute every query - a really nice thing to get a grasp when things take longer.

I've had duplicates in instance, person, site, community, post and received_activity.

The quick gist of this is the following:

  • Clean up
  • Reindex
  • Full vacuum

I am now certain vacuuming is not, strictly speaking, necessary, but it makes me feel better to have all the steps I had taken written down.

\d - list tables (look at it as describe database);

\d tablename - describe table.

\o filename\ - save all output to a file on a filesystem. /tmp/query.sql` was my choice.


You need to turn indexscan and bitmapscan off to actually get the duplicates

SET enable_indexscan = off;
SET enable_bitmapscan = off;

The following selects the dupes

FROM instance
	domain IN (
		GROUP BY domain
ORDER BY domain;

Deleting without using the index is incredibly slow - turn it back on:

SET enable_indexscan = on;
SET enable_bitmapscan = on;
DELETE FROM instance WHERE id = ;

Yes, you can build a fancier query to delete all the older/newer IDs at once. No, I do not recommend it. Delete one, confirm, repeat.

At first I was deleting the newer IDs; then, after noticing the same instances were still getting new IDs I swapped to targetting the old ones. After noticing the same god damn instances still getting new duplicate IDs, I had to dig deeper and, by some sheer luck discovered that I need to reindex the database to bring it back to sanity.

Reindexing the database takes a very long time - don't do that. Instead target the table - that should not take more than a few minutes. This, of course, all depends on the size of the table, but instance is naturally going to be small.


If reindexing succeeds - you have cleaned up the table. If not - it will yell at you with the first name that it fails on. Rinse and repeat until it's happy.

Side note - it is probably enough to only reindex the index that's failing, but at this point I wanted to ensure at least the whole table is in a good state.

Looking back - if I could redo it - I would delete the new IDs only, keeping the old ones. I have no evidence, but I think getting rid of the old IDs introduced more duplicates in other related tables down the line. At the time, of course, it was hard to tell WTF was going on and making a wrong decision was better than making no decision.


The idea is the same for all the tables with duplicates; however, I had to modify the queries a bit due to small differences.

What I did at first, and you shouldn't do:

SET enable_indexscan = off;
SET enable_bitmapscan = off;

	id IN (
		FROM (
			AS row_num
			FROM person) t
		WHERE t.row_num > 1 limit 1);

The issue with the above is that it, again, runs a delete without using the index. It is horrible, it is sad, it takes forever. Don't do this. Instead, split it into a select without the index and a delete with the index:

SET enable_indexscan = off;
SET enable_bitmapscan = off;

	id, actor_id, name
FROM person a
USING person b
	a.id > b.id
	a.actor_id = b.actor_id;
SET enable_indexscan = on;
SET enable_bitmapscan = on;

DELETE FROM person WHERE id = ;

person had dupes into the thousands - I just didn't have enough time at that moment and started deleting them in batches:

DELETE FROM person WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3, ... 99);

Again - yes, it can probably all be done in one go. I hadn't, and so I'm not writing it down that way. This is where I used \o to then manipulate the output to be in batches using coreutils. You can do that, you can make the database do it for you. I'm a better shell user than an SQL user.

Reindex the table and we're good to go!

REINDEX table person;

site, community and post

Rinse and repeat, really. \d tablename, figure out which column is the one to use when looking for duplicates and delete-reindex-move on.


This one deserves a special mention, as it had 64 million rows in the database when I was looking at it. Scanning such a table takes forever and, upon closer inspection, I realised there's nothing useful in it. It is, essentially, a log file. I don't like useless shit in my database, so instead of trying to find the duplicates, I decided to simply wipe most of it in hopes the dupes would go with it. I did it in 1 million increments, which took ~30 seconds each run on the single threaded 2GB RAM VM the database is running on. The reason for this was to keep the site running as lemmy backend starts timing out otherwise and that's not great.

Before deleting anything, though, have a look at how much storage your tables are taking up:

	nspname                                               AS "schema",
	pg_class.relname                                      AS "table",
	pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(pg_class.oid))  AS "total_size",
	pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(pg_class.oid))        AS "data_size",
	pg_size_pretty(pg_indexes_size(pg_class.oid))         AS "index_size",
	pg_stat_user_tables.n_live_tup                        AS "rows",
		pg_total_relation_size(pg_class.oid) /
		(pg_stat_user_tables.n_live_tup + 1)
	)                                                     AS "total_row_size",
		pg_relation_size(pg_class.oid) /
		(pg_stat_user_tables.n_live_tup + 1)
	)                                                     AS "row_size"
	pg_stat_user_tables.relid = pg_class.oid
	pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS ns
	pg_class.relnamespace = ns.oid
	pg_total_relation_size(pg_class.oid) DESC;

Get the number of rows:

SELECT COUNT(*) FORM received_activity;

Delete the rows at your own pace. You can start with a small number to get the idea of how long it takes (remember \timing? ;) ).

DELETE FROM received_activity where id < 1000000;

Attention! Do let the autovacuum finish after every delete query.

I ended up leaving ~3 million rows, which at the time represented ~ 3 days of federation. I chose 3 days as that is the timeout before an instance is marked as dead if no activity comes from it.

Now it's time to reindex the table:

REINDEX TABLE received_activity;

Remember the reported size of the table? If you check your system, nothing will have changed - that is because postgres does not release freed up storage to the kernel. It makes sense under normal circumstances, but this situation is anything but.

Clean all the things!

VACUUM FULL received_activity;

Now you have reclaimed all that wasted storage to be put to better use.

In my case, the database (not the table) shrunk by ~52%!

I am now running a cronjob that deletes rows from received_activity that are older than 3 days:

	published < NOW() - INTERVAL '3 days';

In case you're wondering if it's safe deleting such logs from the database - Lemmy developers seem to agree here and here.

submitted 7 months ago by favrion@lemmy.ml to c/lemmy_admin@lemmy.ml

I can't access it in Jerboa anymore.


Why, when I search for a community my instance is not yet aware of, does it sometimes not bring back any posts in that community? This community is in example of that.

Most new additions will redline the CPU but then come back with a populated page for the community. Sometimes that doesn't happen and no amount of purging and retrying will cause it to.

I'm currently unable to subscribe to anything on Beehaw. I just get subscription pending and there is no content sent my way. Statistically they're also more likely to encounter no. 1 above. Can I fix this?

submitted 8 months ago by ZMonster@lemmy.world to c/lemmy_admin@lemmy.ml

I’m using the Lemmy ansible installation method. I’ve been trying to add sendgrid to the postfix section of the config.hjson file on my local machine. But where do I add the API key and username? I used port 587 but nothing works. Can anyone help walk me through how to integrate sendgrid into Lemmy-Ansible? Thanks!!

the email section of config.hjson looks like this, did I do this right?

  email: {
    smtp_server: "smtp.sendgrid.net:587"
    smtp_from_address: "noreply@{{ domain }}"
    tls_type: "tls"

I was able to find the server location on my VPS under srv/lemmy/domain, so I can edit the lemmy.hjson file there if need be.

submitted 9 months ago by Illecors@lemmy.cafe to c/lemmy_admin@lemmy.ml

Out of the 2G of swap assigned it used to sit at ~250M. It is now being utilised close to 100%.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Die4Ever@programming.dev to c/lemmy_admin@lemmy.ml



curl -X PUT http://localhost:1236/api/v3/community/hide \   
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \

I haven't tried this, but maybe someone will find it useful and test it out. You could probably also easily do it in the database instead of using the API call.

submitted 9 months ago by favrion@lemmy.ml to c/lemmy_admin@lemmy.ml

I put the middle finger emoji under their newest piracy announcement and they banned me from Lemmy World for a week. I can argue that it was ambiguous. It could have been against Lemmy for letting pirates back in, or it could have been against the pirates. So damn quick to judge.

submitted 11 months ago by favrion@lemmy.ml to c/lemmy_admin@lemmy.ml

I asked this as a comment on my previous post, but I still have some questions. 1: If ML stands for Mali and they're not from Mali, then why would they represent a foreign country? 2: Since it's not Mali, what does the ML stand for? If it's a pair of letters, it represents a country or stands for two words. Machine Learning? McCartney Lennon? Mega Lemmy?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by sunaurus@lemm.ee to c/lemmy_admin@lemmy.ml

UPDATE: The latest RC version of Lemmy-ui (0.18.2-rc.2) contains fixes for the issue, but if you believe you were vulnerable, you should still rotate your JWT secret after upgrading! Read below for instructions. Removing custom emoji is no longer necessary after upgrading.

Original post follows:

This post is intended as a central place that admins can reference regarding the XSS incident from this morning.

What happened?

A couple of the bigger Lemmy instances had several user accounts compromised through stolen authentication cookies. Some of these cookies belonged to admins, these admin cookies were used to deface instances. Only users that opened pages with malicious content during the incident were vulnerable. The malicious content was possible due to a bug with rendering custom emojis.

Stolen cookies gave attackers access to all private messages and e-mail addresses of affected users.

Am I vulnerable?

If your instance has ANY custom emojis, you are vulnerable. Note that it appears only local custom emojis are affected, so federated content with custom emojis from other instances should be safe.

I had custom emojis on my instance, what should I do?

This should be enough to mitigate now:

  1. Remove custom emoji
DELETE FROM custom_emoji_keyword;
DELETE FROM custom_emoji;
  1. Rotate your JWT secret (invalidates all current login sessions)
-- back up your secret first, just in case
SELECT * FROM secret;
-- generate a new secret
UPDATE secret SET jwt_secret = gen_random_uuid();
  1. Restart Lemmy server

If you need help with any of this, you can reach out to me on Matrix (@sunaurus:matrix.org) or on Discord (@sunaurus)


If your instance was affected, you may have some legal obligations. Please check this comment for more info: https://lemmy.world/comment/1064402

More context:



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