[-] sunzu@kbin.run 1 points 35 minutes ago

She divorced him

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 0 points 35 minutes ago

My monthly fee pays for that, bootlicker :)

[-] sunzu@kbin.run -1 points 1 hour ago

Said a guy banging a Russian ballet dancer while married.

Should we really listen to a guy like that?

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 3 points 2 hours ago

Don't Sammy do and apple do it... Not even carriers?

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 2 points 2 hours ago

Fuck telecos... Parasites

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 3 points 3 hours ago

Its free market when a corpo fucks you...

That's about it

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 4 points 3 hours ago

So in practice they don't!

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 4 points 3 hours ago

Breaking points, their geopolitical analysis is out right misinformation

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 4 points 3 hours ago

Hyperbolic but there is some truth there

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 7 points 4 hours ago

Tell that to the courts that's who decided this degeracy is acceptable.

Don't get me started on them spying

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 31 points 6 hours ago

How long until we get "government ran camps" to help us "solve" the homeless?

When will gen pop say it is enough ?

Asking for friend... History ain't looking good folks.

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 58 points 6 hours ago

But have you thought about a legal person's right to fuck your eyes and brains?!

Also, what about their freedom of speech... Shit lord

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by sunzu@kbin.run to c/drs_your_gme@lemmy.whynotdrs.org

With main reddit sub devolving in whatever that shit is, what are people here thinking about it?

Looks like momentum was lost? Was the 3b worth it from shareholder perspective?

Kinda hard to accept the sub justifying considering the squeeze was stated the goal on there, esp in context of DRS that was essentially undone.

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