Is anyone using the minio-operator? I'm hesitant because I can't find a lot of documentation on how to recover from cluster outages or partial disk failures.

[-] zephyrvs@lemmy.ml 73 points 10 months ago

I'm so tired of the notion that anyone not being in line with certain narratives is automatically considered a drone.

[-] zephyrvs@lemmy.ml 24 points 10 months ago

Who stopped doing so? It's basically one of the terms used most often when referring to Russian aggression since the war started?

[-] zephyrvs@lemmy.ml 26 points 10 months ago

I am shocked! The CIA and the FBI? The bastions of liberty and justice?

[-] zephyrvs@lemmy.ml 20 points 10 months ago

Let me throw my seedbox into the ring. :)

[-] zephyrvs@lemmy.ml 24 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Can confirm, though it's unlikely to be some piracy check. The epub just has a couple of errors that might make it difficult for Amazon's server-side epub parsing implemention:

$ epubcheck ~/Downloads/nietzsche-a-guide-for-the-perplexed-r-kevin-hill--annas-archive.epub
ERROR(RSC-005): ./Downloads/nietzsche-a-guide-for-the-perplexed-r-kevin-hill--annas-archive.epub/index_split_003.html(172,403): Error while parsing file: element "blockquote" incomplete; expected element "address", "blockquote", "del", "div", "dl", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "hr", "ins", "noscript", "ns:svg", "ol", "p", "pre", "script", "table" or "ul" (with xmlns:ns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg")
ERROR(RSC-005): ./Downloads/nietzsche-a-guide-for-the-perplexed-r-kevin-hill--annas-archive.epub/toc.ncx(62,42): Error while parsing file: playOrder sequence has gaps
Check finished with errors
Messages: 0 fatals / 69 errors / 0 warnings / 0 infos

Unfortunately I couldn't find any other epub versions. Though I just discovered the Kindle ePub fix project and converted the ePub to a fixed version using the en language tag. That seems to work because the book just showed up in my Kindle library. :)

[-] zephyrvs@lemmy.ml 71 points 10 months ago

The government has way too much influence over children already. Governments could do so much for children that would actually benefit them (better education, free lunch at school, better public libraries, ensure no kids are starving because of poor parents, no wars in foreign countries, whatever) but instead they use children to increase their control over people.

[-] zephyrvs@lemmy.ml 24 points 10 months ago

Has my research on this been just been somehow skewed over the past months or does it really seem like Western media is suddenly turning on Ukraine?

Until like 1-2 weeks ago it was really difficult to find anything overly critical about Ukraine and now it seems as of there's a sudden change in coverage.

Is it just me? I think I've been rather thorough.

[-] zephyrvs@lemmy.ml 33 points 11 months ago

Pocket knife/multitool.

[-] zephyrvs@lemmy.ml 23 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I remember when Oslo's mayor (iirc?) said something along the lines of "this is something a free society has to live with if it doesn't want to surrender their freedoms" after Breivik's attack.

We need more politicians like that. People who are capable of telling how it is: There is no sane way to prevent anyone from burning books. We can only invest in education and hope that people get the message that burning books doesn't do anything of value.

[-] zephyrvs@lemmy.ml 39 points 11 months ago

I always have Tor installed and I often use it instead of incognito browser sessions when researching stuff. It's sometimes slow and Cloudflare made it a lot more annoying to use than ~5-10 years ago, but I'm glad it exists.

I'm sure it's still more useful to US interests though, or it wouldn't be funded anymore.

[-] zephyrvs@lemmy.ml 19 points 11 months ago

Active Edge, which LG originally came up with and that Google adopted with the Pixel 2. Of course they dropped it after a few devices.

It was basically a button/key press that you could configure to trigger actions by firmly applying pressure with you hands around the lower third of your phone. It gave a very satisfying haptic vibration response based on the amount of pressure you applied and you could even set the amount of pressure until it was triggered. It had something magickal about it.

If you're interested in the tech: https://www.idownloadblog.com/2017/10/19/google-pixel-2-teardown-ifixit/

[-] zephyrvs@lemmy.ml 24 points 11 months ago
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