[-] yoyolll@lemmy.world 24 points 1 month ago

And bitcoin will hit $1m and Google Stadia will be 80% of the gaming market and Lemmy will be bigger than Reddit and Tizen will overtake iOS and

[-] yoyolll@lemmy.world 10 points 1 month ago

I was so excited for this game in 2012. It was going to be the perfect hybrid of two of my favorites, Freelancer and X3. 12 years later, I barely even play anything except the latest souls game and the occasional grand strategy dad game that I’ll be obsessed with for a week and never touch again. What a waste.

[-] yoyolll@lemmy.world 10 points 2 months ago

Sure. I posted the “formula” these recipes below:

  1. Fry hard veggies in oil until soft - can be onions, leeks, carrots, celery, potatoes etc.

  2. Add spices, soft veggies, and/or pastes and stir to form a sauce - tomatoes, peppers, garlic, ginger, etc.

  3. Stir in your beans/chickpeas/lentils/peas. Most beans should be cooked, lentils and peas usually can be dry/raw.

  4. Add water, bring to a boil, and simmer. Amount and time depends on if you want a soup, stew, or just some sauce.

  5. Add leafy greens and anything that should be dissolved - spinach, kale, lemon, vinegar, sugar, cilantro etc.

So here is a really simple one I make at least once a week, as you can eat it hot or cold, with or without rice. It makes a great packed lunch. You can make the beans or chickpeas ahead of time or use a 30 oz can, but cooking them is much cheaper. Either way, make sure you rinse them off. I put in 1 cup dry beans/chickpeas (makes 3 cups cooked) in my Instant Pot with 4 cups water for 25 minutes for beans, 35 for chickpeas, instant release. Then I use the pot to cook the meal.

Also, you can chop and freeze most hard veggies (carrots, leeks, onions, celery, ginger, garlic). They aren’t as good as fresh, but it’s a lot more convenient if you have to cook after work.

This recipe is really flexible so I’ll just tell you what I do, but the ratios are all preference:

1 large onion, finely chopped

Equivalent amount of carrot, quarter slices

3 cups cooked pinto beans or chickpeas

1-2 cloves garlic, chopped or crushed

3 tablespoons tomato or red pepper paste (I use half of each but red pepper paste can be hard to find in US grocery stores)

Juice of 1 lemon or white vinegar

1.5 tablespoon sugar

Extra virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper

Optionally, bay leaves, paprika, and parsley

Step 1: frying hard veggies. Heat up a medium or large pot (stainless is best but any material will do) and add enough olive oil to fully cover the bottom and a bit more. It might be more oil than you think you’ll need. Fry your onions until soft.

Side note about onions: you can cook them quickly in 5-10 minutes at medium-high heat. They are ready when soft and translucent. But if you have the time and want a complex flavor in your dish, you can cook them for up to 20-30 minutes at low heat. Always salt them to help draw out the water.

Either way, add the carrots when the onions are almost done (2-3 minutes left).

Step 2: make the sauce. Add your garlic and let it cook a bit until fragrant. Add black pepper and optionally a couple of bay leaves and paprika. Stir for 30 seconds to let the spices bloom and then add your tomato/pepper paste and stir continuously until a sauce forms. About 1-2 minutes. The oil should be reddish.

Step 3: add the beans. Just stir them in and make sure they are covered in the sauce.

Step 4: water. Add 3 cups water (less if you’re in a hurry) and bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer.

Step 5: anything that should be added to the water. Add the sugar and lemon/vinegar. This is really to taste, so you can add more when it’s almost done if it needs it. It should be just a little sweet and tangy. You can also add leafy greens like kale or spinach, but I don’t add them if I plan on eating it cold later.

Let it simmer until it’s a very beany stew (not a soup), but at the very least 10 minutes. It should be a little watery. Check the flavor and add salt, pepper, sugar, lemon/vinegar, or olive oil as needed. Parsley makes a great garnish.

This can be eaten hot or cold, with or without rice. Will keep about a week in the fridge.

I’ll reply below with a lentil soup recipe that’s more or less the same thing.

[-] yoyolll@lemmy.world 19 points 2 months ago

Honestly, I’ve stopped chasing substitutes a while ago. Giving up meat and dairy is going to be a lifestyle change, that’s why people struggle so much with it. You can’t expect to just sub in imitations and keep eating the same foods. They’re not close enough to fool anyone, and they’re usually expensive and unhealthy.

The best way eat vegan is to fill your diet with minimally processed legumes, grains, fruits, and vegetables. Learn to cook a few staple meals from cultural cuisines where animal products are expensive (most cultures outside US/Canada and Western Europe) and you’ll realize how much great food you can make with a few simple ingredients and one or two pots. A huge number of them fall into the same basic formula, so if you learn one, you can easily make them all. Plus, it’s much, much cheaper than eating meat.

I’m not vegan but I do eat 95% vegan because my wife is and I agreed to buy and cook solely vegan in the house. I come from a culture with plenty of (accidentally) vegan home cooking already, so it wasn’t hard at all. But those substitutes are gross to me. Apologies to those who like them.

[-] yoyolll@lemmy.world 12 points 2 months ago

And if it were impossible (or infeasible), they shouldn’t be able to sell you a perpetual license knowing that it will expire when they take down the servers. If they are selling it as a service, there needs to be a minimum length of service specified. If the game is rendered unplayable before that date, the customer should be entitled to a refund.

As it is right now, you buy these games with a hidden expiration date. You could buy The Crew as late as December 14th, 2023 with no way of knowing you only had 4 months to play it. Those people don’t receive a refund.

[-] yoyolll@lemmy.world 47 points 2 months ago

I think there’s a lot of self selection going on. Most people who migrated here did it based on principles (or a persecution complex), so of course they will have lots of political opinions, often extreme. Frankly, it’s getting a little tiring seeing it everywhere. Even on gaming subs it seems like every other post results in a discussion about the evils of capitalism.

[-] yoyolll@lemmy.world 13 points 3 months ago

Get em Ross

[-] yoyolll@lemmy.world 13 points 3 months ago

What exactly is a promise from Facebook worth? You saw what happened to Palmer Luckey (although he is wiping those tears with crisp hundred dollar bills).

[-] yoyolll@lemmy.world 8 points 3 months ago

Sometimes it does seem like everyone’s on a soapbox or cynical crusade about some shit or another and you’re a bad person if you don’t know or care.

Lots of places on Reddit and Twitter also feel that way. I think it’s just an inherent part of mass online interaction.

[-] yoyolll@lemmy.world 8 points 4 months ago

I guess it’s combined 25k since I got the message. A massive number of casual users will qualify for that considering Reddit has been around for over a decade.

Are they really just spamming out a scam email to hundreds of thousands of their users? They can’t get a good enough valuation with real investors so they’re banking on having enough non-financially savvy people in their massive user base to be able to cash out with a valuation they know is bullshit? Really?

Considering there are legal requirements to become an accredited investor for private companies, I’m surprised something like this (and on this scale) is even allowed. Isn’t this fraud?

[-] yoyolll@lemmy.world 8 points 4 months ago

I got one even though I deleted all my posts and comments months ago. I have not engaged on Reddit since then.

Also, what is the threshold? I only have 14k post and 19k comment karma which is pretty low considering the size and age of Reddit. I don’t think I’ve ever even posted anything in a large sub, just niche hobby ones.

Are they just asking everyone now?

[-] yoyolll@lemmy.world 10 points 11 months ago

Yeah, what’s happening here?

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