[-] will_a113@lemmy.ml 13 points 3 days ago

I think the hazard they’re afraid of is that the employees will unionize.

[-] will_a113@lemmy.ml 159 points 1 week ago

When did we get away from saying “X - formerly known as Twitter” ? I liked seeing that gentle nudge in every headline.

submitted 1 month ago by will_a113@lemmy.ml to c/greenspace@beehaw.org
submitted 1 month ago by will_a113@lemmy.ml to c/technology@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 months ago by will_a113@lemmy.ml to c/technology@lemmy.ml

In this niche case the Vision Pro seems like it has some compelling benefits.

[-] will_a113@lemmy.ml 44 points 2 months ago

Ironically (to everyone but him) Trump himself is the reason a lot of people from the "good" countries would never consider moving here.

submitted 2 months ago by will_a113@lemmy.ml to c/technology@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 months ago by will_a113@lemmy.ml to c/news@lemmy.world
[-] will_a113@lemmy.ml 94 points 2 months ago

Nothin says "Welcome to America!" like being kidnapped by a wannabe dictator and then filing a lawsuit against on of their conspirators.

[-] will_a113@lemmy.ml 170 points 3 months ago

The headline’s a bit misleading. The drive is a plasma thruster, and the company found that by adding Boronated water to the exhaust the plasma would fuse with some of the boron creating a kind of afterburner effect, not a sustained fusion reaction. It’s kind of interesting as a way to boost the performance of the plasma thruster, but not “OMG it’s a Fusion Drive!!!” interesting.

[-] will_a113@lemmy.ml 106 points 4 months ago

Every time I read a story about some billionaire getting angry about their private jets being tracked I recall a part of the Kim Stanley Robinson novel Ministry for the Future, a (very) near-future tale about how a few global climate catastrophes wreak such havoc that regular people start taking extreme measures -- for example randomly shooting down passenger aircraft for months, causing the collapse of the air travel industry. I have to imagine that the 1%ers are thinking about that too now.

submitted 4 months ago by will_a113@lemmy.ml to c/science@beehaw.org

Graphene: is there anything it can't do (aside from be manufactured at scale, anyway)

submitted 4 months ago by will_a113@lemmy.ml to c/technology@lemmy.world

Some serious engineering makes for a pretty compelling voxel display. Plus the whole build saga is on Mastodon! Go Fediverse!

[-] will_a113@lemmy.ml 155 points 4 months ago

"Texas needs to be less dependent on the federal government, not more. These politicians want to mismanage our electric grid just like they mismanage our border," the statement said.

I don't think it's objectively possible to be more mismanaged than the current Texan electrical grid.

submitted 4 months ago by will_a113@lemmy.ml to c/technology@lemmy.world

Robocalls with AI voices to be regulated under Telephone Consumer Protection Act, the agency says. I'm pretty sure this puts us on the timeline where we eventually get incredible, futuristic tech, but computers and robots still sound mechanical and fake.

submitted 4 months ago by will_a113@lemmy.ml to c/technology@lemmy.world

SpaceX's laser system for Starlink is delivering over 42 petabytes of data for customers per day, an engineer revealed today. That translates into 42 million gigabytes. Each of the 9,000 lasers in the network is capable of transmitting at 100Gbps, and satellites can form ad-hoc mesh networks to complete long-haul transmissions when there are no ground towers nearby (like when they're going across oceans).

submitted 4 months ago by will_a113@lemmy.ml to c/technology@lemmy.world

Doctrow argues that nascent tech unionization (which we're closer to having now than ever before) combined with bipartisan fear (and consequent regulation) either directly or via agencies like the FTC and FCC can help to curb Big Tech's power, and the enshittification that it has wrought.

[-] will_a113@lemmy.ml 281 points 5 months ago

I know this isn't the most popular opinion, but I love self-checkout systems when they're available and used correctly. My local supermarket closed 2 10-item-or-less lanes and put 6 self-checkouts in the same space. I probably make 2 trips/week to the store for fewer than 10 items, and being able to check myself out has been a huge time saver. There are still another 8 lanes with cashiers for larger shopping trips. If the supermarket can avoid the race to the bottom thinking of "well, we replaced 2 lanes, maybe we can also replace the other 8), it'll be a nice compromise.

Now contrast that with my local Home Depot, which typically has 1-2 cashiers MAX at any given time. They have turned the checkout process into a tedious pain in the ass, and I've more or less stopped shopping there as a result.

[-] will_a113@lemmy.ml 48 points 5 months ago

Still amazes me that for well under $1 I can send a letter from Maine to Hawaii and it'll get there within a few days.

[-] will_a113@lemmy.ml 47 points 6 months ago

Their “how it works” blog article is worth a read - they’re using a blackbox reverse engineering of the protocol (called PyPush) and re-implementing it natively in an android app, so there are no man-in-the-middle servers. It's pretty bonkers given how difficult Apple's spec-less tech can be to work with.

[-] will_a113@lemmy.ml 44 points 6 months ago

Their "how it works" blog article is worth a read - they're using a blackbox reverse engineering of the protocol and re-implementing it natively in the app, so there are no man-in-the-middle servers. Impressive software engineering for sure.

submitted 7 months ago by will_a113@lemmy.ml to c/lemmy@lemmy.ml

Noticed I was logged out of lemmy.ml this morning. When I logged in, everything looked the same, but... "All" loaded instantly. Switching to "Subscribed" was just as fast. Post thumbnails came up as quickly as I could scroll.

I don't know if it's the new software or if y'all cleared out some cruft when restarting the services, but from this end-user's perspective, Lemmy 0.19.0-rc.8 flies. Nicely done!

[-] will_a113@lemmy.ml 216 points 7 months ago

Having a hard time determining whether this is sarcasm or not. Then I see the phrase "JavaScript Engineer" and become doubly confused.

submitted 9 months ago by will_a113@lemmy.ml to c/science@beehaw.org

A new discovery reveals that astrocytes, star-shaped cells in the brain, play a key role in regulating fat metabolism and obesity. These cells act on a cluster of neurons, known as the GABRA5 cluster, effectively acting as a “switch” for weight regulation.

The MAO-B enzyme in these astrocytes was identified as a target for obesity treatment, influencing GABA secretion and thus weight regulation.

KDS2010, a selective and reversible MAO-B inhibitor, successfully led to weight loss in obese mice without impacting their food intake, even while consuming a high-fat diet, and is now in Phase 1 clinical trials.

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