[-] vodichar@lemmynsfw.com 3 points 9 months ago

Hue Cloud < Hucow

[-] vodichar@lemmynsfw.com 1 points 10 months ago

I agree, I don't think using Google as an indicator of trends is wrong. I was just asking about why it is ableist is all :)

[-] vodichar@lemmynsfw.com 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Is there an alternative to saying somebody or something is dumb? Or that a choice was dumb? Genuinely asking. It just seems like it's all ableist all the way down at that point, but I've not heard of dumb being called ableist before so am interested if there's a better alternative? Short-sighted? Uninformed?

[-] vodichar@lemmynsfw.com 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

You're still agreeing with the title. The title says most people interpret the pause symbol as "currently playing", so clicking it would mean "click here to pause" - which is what you said :) It's just the same thing with different wording

Oh, unless you meant on devices or software with two separate buttons for play and pause! In which case, yeah totally different and you're right :)


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