[-] throwsbooks@lemmy.ca 9 points 10 months ago

I think you're conflating "intelligence" with "being smart".

Intelligence is more about taking in information and being able to make a decision based on that information. So yeah, automatic traffic lights are "intelligent" because they use a sensor to check for the presence of cars and "decide" when to switch the light.

Acting like some GPT is on the same level as a traffic light is silly though. On a base level, yes, it "reads" a text prompt (along with any messaging history) and decides what to write next. But that decision it's making is much more complex than "stop or go".

I don't know if this is an ADHD thing, but when I'm talking to people, sometimes I finish their sentences in my head as they're talking. Sometimes I nail it, sometimes I don't. That's essentially what chatGPT is, a sentence finisher that happened to read a huge amount of text content on the web, so it's got context for a bunch of things. It doesn't care if it's right and it doesn't look things up before it says something.

But to have a computer be able to do that at all?? That's incredible, and it took over 50 years of AI research to hit that point (yes, it's been a field in universities for a very long time, with most that time people saying it's impossible), and we only hit it because our computers got powerful enough to do it at scale.

[-] throwsbooks@lemmy.ca 3 points 10 months ago

I imagine this commercial/personal art dichotomy has existed ever since the first time someone paid for art. Like how there's always been folk music played around campfires in contrast to the operas and orchestras where the local lord's funding goes.

[-] throwsbooks@lemmy.ca 2 points 11 months ago

I'm not the original person you replied to, bud. I just wanted to find something peer reviewed for you on getting images from brain scans, since you doubted that's a thing.

But like, you could also just look at the scene in the computer science field overall, if you'd like something more recent. Like the full journal from the IEEE, or maybe that little journal called Nature.

What do you think computer science departments at universities even do??

[-] throwsbooks@lemmy.ca 6 points 11 months ago

Decoding Brain Representations by Multimodal Learning of Neural Activity and Visual Features, DOI 10.1109/TPAMI.2020.2995909

Published in 2020 by the IEEE. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9097411

[-] throwsbooks@lemmy.ca 4 points 11 months ago

I'm a fan of "keep it stupid simple" or, as I tell myself at work on the daily, "keep it simple, stupid"!

[-] throwsbooks@lemmy.ca 3 points 11 months ago

Oh man, I had no idea about that.

I've been using Nova for something close to a decade now I think. I just toss it on my new devices and move on, it's done what I wanted for ages (mostly for the adjustable grid, but I'm sure there's some features it has that I've stuck with that I just feel are default at this point, stock launcher just feels weird).

[-] throwsbooks@lemmy.ca 4 points 11 months ago

Not the poster you're replying to, but I'm assuming you're looking for some sort of source that neural networks generate stuff, rather than plagiarize?

Google scholar is a good place to start. You'd need a general understanding of how NNs work, but it ends up leading to papers like this one, which I picked out because it has neat pictures as examples. https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.02200

What this one is doing is taking an input in the form of a face, and turning it into a cartoon. They call it an emoji, cause it's based on that style, but it's the same principle as how AI art is generated. Learn a style, then take a prompt (image or text) and do something with the prompt in the style.

[-] throwsbooks@lemmy.ca 10 points 11 months ago

Sorry, rereading it and I think I was unclear. I'm saying that this community moved from tumblr, to twitter, and now to mastodon. I quit this community at the twitter stage when it became too detrimental to my mental health.

But this community uses moderation as one tool to enforce cliques, rather than to actually prevent abuse. Or, you could say, this community has a history of using moderation as a form of abuse.

Alongside that, this community has a history of inciting witch hunts over the most petty things. And they will be happy about what the moderators are doing within their own clique.

[-] throwsbooks@lemmy.ca 12 points 11 months ago

I remember artist tumblr in the 00's. Participated, then moved over to twitter in the 10's before I got sick of it. This looks like another continuation of that same community.

They can do what they like, but this reeks of the exact same kind of drama and mobs that, for example, drives fanartists to attempting suicide because they painted a character's skin a shade too light. (Zamii070, if you're curious.)

These sorts of communities form an echo chamber that, frankly, can be absolutely horrible for kids. Yeah, they can do what they want in their house, but I'm staying far the fuck away.

[-] throwsbooks@lemmy.ca 3 points 11 months ago

sometimes I don't want to bother looking for alternative sources....

Tho yes, that does push me to do it more often.

[-] throwsbooks@lemmy.ca 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

God I want to do that but for some reason Prime Video on my laptop is locked to like 480p on "highest quality" but when I cast to my TV on my phone it's full HD. Like what gives??

Do they hate that I'm on Linux using Firefox or something?? I tried Chrome and had the same issue.

Tried searching for the answer but all the Reddit posts say "it's just your slow ass Internet"!! Nah man I'm on fibre.

(Edit: though I do use my HDMI for videos I have on my hard drive ofc, but sometimes I don't want to bother looking for alternative sources....)

[-] throwsbooks@lemmy.ca 3 points 11 months ago

Over the last five years, I'd click a link to Stack Overflow while googling, but I've never made an account because of the toxicity.

But yeah, chatGPT is definitely the nail in the coffin. Being able to give it my code and ask it to point out where the annoying bug is... is amazing.

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