[-] thoro@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 days ago

staunch communist, Newsom.


[-] thoro@lemmy.ml 40 points 1 week ago

16 years ago, that was Reddit for me.

Guess we'll see.

[-] thoro@lemmy.ml 15 points 3 months ago

You mean someone with a 2 year old account? You know what instances existed 2 years ago?

[-] thoro@lemmy.ml 29 points 3 months ago

Reddit 2.0. Always has been.

[-] thoro@lemmy.ml 14 points 5 months ago

This is the direction the big companies are looking to move in. This is the direction Microsoft is banking on, too. Even if you like one service more, the end result may be the same. It's a matter of time before we see subscription exclusives.

GamePass subscribers are the pre-orderers and mtx consumers of yesteryear, normalizing the industry to practices harmful to general consumers.

[-] thoro@lemmy.ml 27 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

It's sad that this type of comment can be and is often spun as "antisemitism"

[-] thoro@lemmy.ml 99 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

"I don't like Reddit.

Its interface is ugly as sin. There are fewer users there and they're all pretentious, extremely liberal, and anti American."

-Some Digg user circa 2008/2009 (probably)

[-] thoro@lemmy.ml 50 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I had a university professor give me a 99 on a written exam because "only Jesus is perfect".

I didn't really care but it's also something I may never forget because of how bizarre I found it

[-] thoro@lemmy.ml 14 points 9 months ago

Something can be lighthearted or action based and still be interesting film making in contrast to the paint by numbers MCU films and some others.

It's pure action, but Fury Road is an example of a simple action movie that had thought put into the editing, cinematography, etc. Barbie is light hearted but similarly had some ideas to play with.

[-] thoro@lemmy.ml 46 points 9 months ago

I honestly hate stories like this. What is the use of knowing this? Who does it benefit to hear this story and proliferate it?

So we can all go "wow what a monster" in the comments?

How many things happened today that actually will affect our lives instead?

[-] thoro@lemmy.ml 64 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It makes sense.

Most people who came here two months ago did so because they explicitly wanted to leave Reddit, but not because of Reddit content or the site culture. It was because admin decisions on third party apps and the API.

They still wanted Reddit, just with different Admins and different apps. Ideally, they'd have wanted communities to fully migrate over.

lemmy.world specifically became basically a lifeboat, having been linked to from original third party apps.

Yes, it was created and had the technical and resource requirements to keep up with the new influx of users without constantly crashing (in the beginning), but nonetheless, that meant it got the largest influx of the migration.

It's honestly a bit strange for me to see people in here with two month old accounts saying "oh yeah the culture has just changed so much".

You all were the change. It's that influx of users that basically brought Reddit here.

Anyone who came here before the API changes did so either because they had some kind of issues with Reddit, whether it was the dominant culture or what, and wanted an alternative or because they were interested in the open source and federated nature of the project regardless of Reddit's own decisions.

Though tbf, pre migration, this place was basically dead. Posts would have a handful of comments at best and it was mostly Lemmygrad users and also FOSS enthusiasts. Hexbear was the most active Lemmy instance and was a chapotraphouse lifeboat formed in 2020 but it didn't federate so it was really mostly just Lemmy.ml as a general instance and Lemmygrad unless you explicitly knew and cared for Hexbear. Neither was very "toxic" in their own communities and there really wasn't much inter instance fighting, even if there still were people on lemmy.ml who didn't care for grad, as far as I remember. I honestly mostly lurked and didn't participate often.

The apps also were much worse.

Things started picking up as the API announcement happened. That's probably when we had the best balance of positivity and user growth.

It exploded when the API changes went into effect and voila.

Still, I would say it's mostly still a bit better than Reddit and there's more effort in commenting for the most part.

I don't think I've seen a pun chain or a "he's not your buddy, guy" or anything like that.

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