[-] theragu40@lemmy.world 34 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I think colloquially people have begun expanding use of the word to include anything where features or product are removed but the price stays the same.

Maybe there's a better word for that, but I understand the parallel.

[-] theragu40@lemmy.world 35 points 8 months ago

Is it wrong to buy my kids "read banned books" shirts?

Joking, but only sort of. I'm so irritated that this is the world they are growing up in. That I'm going to have to have conversations with them about why people are trying to restrict what they can learn based on bigotry and why that is wrong. There are so many other things they could be worrying about, I hate that we have this as an additional and completely unnecessary distraction.

Completely understand Scholastic's move here. It's unfortunate in a vacuum but on the other hand I'm very glad they aren't simply dropping these titles entirely.

[-] theragu40@lemmy.world 40 points 8 months ago

If we are trying to dig into the root cause? Then yes, honestly. It is Google. And don't call them the "search engine guys", that's not what they are about. They are the "mass aggregation and correlation of user data guys". Search has been a means to an end for Google for a very long time.

All those other things didn't exist when google was developing their model. Google paved the way for the internet no longer being free, but being "free" with payment rendered in the form of user data. That in turn directly led to all those other evils you referred to. It is not an exaggeration to imply that Google is ultimately at fault for the way the internet functions today.

[-] theragu40@lemmy.world 49 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

When you consider that the root cause of both problems (owning a Dodge RAM truck and driving drunk) is absolutely terrible judgement, this correlation becomes rather self evident.

[-] theragu40@lemmy.world 42 points 8 months ago

Mathematicians and racists hate this one trick!

[-] theragu40@lemmy.world 52 points 9 months ago

Same crap with people brigading Sync too. Like, I don't get the mindset. I work for my money, I get to decide how to spend it. I'm happy to use some of that money to give to someone who is earning it by creating a product that I love using every single day. That's not wrong, that is how things work. Everything can't just be free, nothing would get made like that.

[-] theragu40@lemmy.world 55 points 9 months ago

Only one reply saying you should involve your wife in this decision. Not enough.

You need to involve your wife in this decision. Her use case is nothing for a modern laptop, either Windows or Mac. Anything new will run like a dream in comparison to what she's got. Literally anything. Get her to a physical store to type on the keyboards and make sure she likes whatever models are in contention. This is highly personal and subjective so other opinions aren't worth much.

I do think it worth mentioning that switching ecosystems isn't something to do lightly. She needs to be involved in that decision. I've used both Windows and Mac. I'm comfortable with both, but generally prefer Windows. They are way too different to treat the possibility of switching flippantly.

[-] theragu40@lemmy.world 41 points 9 months ago

This is good advice in general.

But the answer to this question is extremely well known across the internet and every thread that comes up will eventually boil down to the same two responses: Toyota and Honda as 1 and 1a.

There isn't some secret answer to find, those are just the answers. People will definitely come up with anecdotes supporting various other cars, but as these threads hit a certain mass of replies they invariably boil down to those two choices.

They are not the flashiest cars, nor the most feature rich, nor the most efficient or most powerful. But if you want to buy a car that will just keep on running after years of minimal maintenance, often even after being abused during that time, a Toyota or Honda is what you should buy.

[-] theragu40@lemmy.world 75 points 10 months ago


I'd take $10. Seriously. I mean I guess unless the meal was fully paid for and pretty fancy. But with either of these two donuts that feels like hardly a given.

$10 is a sure bet.

[-] theragu40@lemmy.world 105 points 10 months ago

Unless you're Waukesha, Wisconsin, where they specifically voted to stop giving kids handouts (i.e. free lunch). Because, you know, kids should work for their food or something instead of using their energy to learn.

[-] theragu40@lemmy.world 36 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Yeah I think this is a bigger risk for Tesla than current owners selling.

I'm not in the market for a car right now but there's a decent chance that the next one I buy will be an EV. Up until maybe 2 years ago I'd have said a Tesla would have been top of the list for options. I don't really feel that way anymore, and Musks instability is the primary reason.

I think his antics will have a snowball effect on future sales.

[-] theragu40@lemmy.world 137 points 11 months ago

I just want to be clear that I've paid for Sync in various ways I think 3 or 4 times now and I'll gladly pay for it again. Jerboa has been at least functional (10x better than when I first started using it a few months ago).

But it's Sync I want.

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