
joined 1 year ago
[–] 13 points 11 months ago

the younger generations have more empathy

Some, but not all. My mid-20s niece and her husband are racist. My kid is in high school and is friends with a pack of awesome kids who give me tremendous hope for the future, but there are lots of Tate fans, Trump fans, and other shitheads there too.

Kids are just younger people, they come in all different kinds just like adults - and just like adults, some of them are assholes.

Not saying we should write them off, just saying we shouldn't be complacent about the inherent goodness and decency of youth, because it's fictitious. They learn everything from watching us, and sometimes those lessons suck.

[–] 23 points 11 months ago

My kid is in high school, and they communicate about emergencies through text, email, and automated calls. There are lots of jobs, especially low-paying ones, that will not let you check your phone during your shift, and they're certainly not going to be okay with you leaving early to go pick up your kid. If the choice is "leave to pick up kid (who you know is safe with teachers), get fired," versus "leave kid (who you know is safe with teachers), keep job," it's pretty simple math.

[–] 10 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Clean towel, foil potato, can't lose?

[–] 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

the_itsb = the Ill-Tempered Sea Bass, and though it's a batfish and not a sea bass, I've always thought this guy conveys the ill-tempered part beautifully.

Who I actually am as a person is a little more like some kind of crab. There's the strawberry crab, who is "small, brightly-colored ... known to be quite toxic," which sounds just like me without medication. 😂 And then there's the black-eyed hermit crab, who "often inhabits shells left by massive moon snails ... often covered with colorful pink anemone-like hydroids, making this critter even cuter."

[–] 3 points 11 months ago

The original Rice Krispies Treats cereal was the best. The current is a pale imitation and lacks the depth of flavor the original had - it wasn't overly sweet, and it had a perfect balance of vanilla and puffed rice flavor that is hard to explain.

[–] 32 points 11 months ago (3 children)

When we're gaming together but he gets distracted by his phone, I'll call my husband back to the game with, "Play dom-jot, hew-mon!" but I never stab him if he's cheating.

[–] 6 points 11 months ago

I don't dispute for a second that Elon's an idiot, but his ex-wife did ask him to buy and kill Twitter:

"Can you buy Twitter and then delete it, please!? xx" Riley allegedly texted Musk on March 24. "America is going INSANE."

Maybe it's not 3D chess but just transparent - yet effective! - stupidity. Buying Twitter was fiscally foolish, but it does seem like he's gonna kill it, so 🤷

[–] 13 points 11 months ago (1 children)

His ex-wife did ask him to buy and kill Twitter:

"Can you buy Twitter and then delete it, please!? xx" Riley allegedly texted Musk on March 24. "America is going INSANE."
