[-] thanksforallthefish@literature.cafe 23 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Could be worth asking on selfhosted (how do I link a sub on lemmy ?) They probably have more relevant experience at this sort of thing.


Does this work ?


Lol. Yeah that was my reaction to the headline as well. "You did what ?"

Https://1ft.io also seems to work and by the branding seems unrelated to 12ft

Article 7 suspends their voting rights. Requires unanimity of all other EU members.

It's the closest EU charter allows to evicting a member state. It effectively suspends the state's membership.

Quite frankly the should have. Orban is a blatantly corrupt Putin lapdog who has been siphoning EU funds for years into his own pocket and that of his cronies.

So just like android ?

Clearly states in article owners can't delete data collected

If "here" is the US, then yeah you do. There are insurers in UK, US and I believe most of western Europe who offer "discounted" insurance in return for fitting a tracking, logging device to the car.

You mean the same guy who has already been sued by Trump in the US over this dossier and won ? That "clout chaser" ? The former head of MI6 russian desk who is widely respected ?

If he says trump had a golden shower in russia then he probably has proof. Might want to check that he actually said that though (as opposed to speculation by third parties)

Yup. Nvidia are installable on any linux distro, some just have tools to make it easy.

I don't recommend ubuntu but it has an easy to use device manager that makes installing nvidia straight forward.

I would suggest you look instead at Mint which has all the good stuff from ubuntu with all the cruft removed

Not everyone on the internet lives in western countries with 1gb fibre connections, hell remote parts of the US are still stuck on very slow ADSL if they don't have access to starlink.

Your seeder may be in ButtFucke WY or could be in a little village in Phillipines or Nigeria

To be in control of an economy you need to be acting in ways that cultivate that control and encourage it to grow. Unfortunately the Tory focus for at least the last 5 years has been on lining their pockets and those of their mates regardless of the impact on the economy.

I installed both Jerboa and Liftoff and ended up on Sync.

I run Linux and 99% foss software on PC and same on phone.

Sync was the only android client I tried that was usable. The keyboard bug in jerboa was maddening

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