[-] termus@beehaw.org 1 points 2 days ago

It wasn't showing up for me on the families beta I was already on. Switching to the regular beta it now is and the family function looks the same.

[-] termus@beehaw.org 0 points 3 days ago

Is this beta separate from the Family beta? I guess you can't do both?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by termus@beehaw.org to c/foss@beehaw.org

Hi Beehaw! I've finally made the switch to Linux, I'm using Nobara OS based on Fedora. It's been very nice so far (I had tried to go with Arch but Nvidia drivers ehhh). I'm running into issues remapping controls to my Xbox Adaptive Controller. Was hoping someone here might have some input.

I use foot controls for WASD control on a foot joystick and 2 other functions mapped to the L and R triggers, depending on game. Most of the time I'm just mapping them to a single key.

The problem I'm running into is getting dual inputs sent to the game. AntiMicroX is sending the remapped key but the game is also getting Left Trigger sent to the game. I've tried unmapping the buttons on the controller in Steam's Controller configurator and also disabling Steam Input for the game completely. But I'm still having issues in Helldivers 2 sending both. As an example, I have left trigger remapped to open Strategems, but it makes me ADS as well.

I did have this same issue in Windows sometimes but I used ReWASD and I was able to remap and mute the button in that application and that worked perfectly.

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. I haven't booted back into Windows since last Thursday and I really don't want to ever again (Go F yourself CoPilot).

[-] termus@beehaw.org 20 points 4 months ago

What the fuck does Google know about support? They've never supported anything.

[-] termus@beehaw.org 11 points 4 months ago

The future fucking sucks.

[-] termus@beehaw.org 18 points 7 months ago

Linkedin is for lunatics. Just a bunch of goobers giving digital handjobs to each other.

[-] termus@beehaw.org 46 points 10 months ago

If you were looking for another reason to hate Scientology. Behold.

They're scared people are going to find out it's just a repurposed "stress" test machine from one of the thousand defunct malls in America. Or for what it really is, just a box filled with bullshit.

[-] termus@beehaw.org 53 points 10 months ago

If you're savvy enough to buy a Fairphone you likely have a gajillion USB-C cables and adapters laying around. I appreciate them not generating more waste.

[-] termus@beehaw.org 12 points 10 months ago

Why would you ever want to stream something from ubisoft? I can't imagine a worse experience.

[-] termus@beehaw.org 24 points 11 months ago

Once they get a taste of that market share it's hard for them to give it up. So they'll start doing this shit to keep people in their ecosystem. They make nothing on their printers and hope to make it up with ink/toner sales. So they want you on their brand.

Fuck printers, fuck print drivers, fuck toner and definitely fuck fax machines. Watching a nurse print something to fax it somewhere else, then for that person to scan it back in. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. All they do is generate waste.

[-] termus@beehaw.org 30 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Ultima Online is a 25 year old MMO that still has the original servers running. The install is about 3GB and can run on any PC from the last 20 years. For the official servers, the player base is largest on Atlantic and you can sign up for a free Endless Journey account. PVP is only allowed in certain zones.

There are many many player run servers that fit a lot of play styles. The most populated being Outlands. That is where I mainly play as it is by far the most populated UO server, 2.5k-3k people on usually. Just beware, outside of the starting zone and towns, it is open PVP almost everywhere.

City of Heroes now has player run servers. The install is around 5GB. Homecoming is the most populated, with a lot of added content. Rebirth is less populated but tries to be the closest experience to the official servers.

submitted 1 year ago by termus@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org

I already own the original, but back when I got it I was unable to play due to the poor control schemes since I am disabled. Now I own an Xbox Adaptive Controller that I used to play through Elden Ring pretty well. I'd love to go back and play some of the earlier games.

I already own the original. Is it in any better state to play? I remember needing to add a fan patch to fix a lot of the issues. Or should I just get the Remaster and call it a day? Is there a recommended play order? I do see people recommending 3 over the first two if you're coming off Elden Ring.

Appreciate your opinions.

[-] termus@beehaw.org 13 points 1 year ago

Oh it's janky. It's a standard dining table with the middle section removed. The TV is a cheap Westinghouse that is laying on top of a musical keyboard stand. The table top is some felt glued down with those metal strips hammered in. The maps are created through Inkarnate dot com. We got our "lego" characters through AdventureBricks dot com.

submitted 1 year ago by termus@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org
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