[-] technomad@slrpnk.net 0 points 1 day ago

Yeah, that's when you fuck with them. Make them regret doing that. Make a point they will never forget. Lol

[-] technomad@slrpnk.net 10 points 1 day ago

And how they might use that information against you, now or in the future.

[-] technomad@slrpnk.net 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Thank you for this. Super helpful.

For some reason the location is now locked and won't update for me.

[-] technomad@slrpnk.net 5 points 1 day ago

"This is a 100% open source effort, so you could even roll your own, if you want."

[-] technomad@slrpnk.net 6 points 1 day ago

Do we like it though? It seems like a good thing (anything has to be better than the currently broken system right?), but after reading some of the comments I'm not sure.

[-] technomad@slrpnk.net 3 points 3 days ago

For sure, can't wait to see how this comes along and the useful functionality it will hopefully provide!

[-] technomad@slrpnk.net 1 points 3 days ago

Awesome! Thanks for the update, I'll check it out 😁

submitted 4 days ago by technomad@slrpnk.net to c/movies@lemm.ee

I mean, I noticed so many references and what felt like blantant rip offs of classic scenes. I still enjoyed the movie but the constant copying started to get distracting.

[-] technomad@slrpnk.net 9 points 5 days ago


Here in the US our banks are draconian. We just struggle through it I guess 🤷‍♂️

stargazing app? (slrpnk.net)
submitted 1 week ago by technomad@slrpnk.net to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

Are there any good open source star gazing apps out there?


Tagging along from one of the previous posts about people's jobs, what are your favorite things about your job. If you can't think of anything, then what are your least favorite things about it or what do you think you'd like to do instead if you could?

My favorite thing is the appreciation we get from passerby. I've never had a job where people are genuinely appreciative of what we are doing, and it's nice to get that feedback from people even though the work itself can be pretty difficult. If there wasn't that for my job, it would certainly be less rewarding.


I'm wondering if you have any favorite fediverse resources for dog owners? Breed questions, training techniques, product recommendations, etc.

I think that would make a great community if there isn't one already. I've only run across #dogsofmastodon so far, but that is really more for just pictures I think.


It's been difficult to broach the subject and explain the technical concepts to the average person. I did have some success in first sharing the email comparison, which lead into interoperability.

I'm just curious to hear people's success stories, if you have any.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by technomad@slrpnk.net to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

Avenza seems to be the go-to app. It works pretty well and all, but I'm wanting to know if there's any software available that can allow a team of people to simultaneously access and make edits/notes to a geo-referenced map. It also need to have kind of the same base functionality of being able to show your current location and all that. Ideally it should be designed for mobile first, but being able to access it from desktop too would be a plus.

So, just for one example, I could add a placemarker on the map, and any of my team members who are also accessing that map will be able to see (in real time) the placemarker that I just made. Does this type of feature exist?


So, I've been considering micromobility options recently to help me get out a little bit more and range better. My dog told me he'd appreciate it if I got out a little more on my off-days. I don't know why he's gotta be so judgy like that...


-Bike formats are out, it needs to be easier to transport and not take up that much space.

-Balance boards are cool, but I'm not sure that's quite what I'm looking for either...

Electric skateboards, scooters, mountainboards, etc., what's good? I'm drawn to the idea of electric boards with (potentially?) off-road capabilities. I'm a mountainbiker and often have access to excellent trails, so I like the thought of being able to ride on those too sometimes but my main uses would probably just be getting around town or going out on paved greenways.

Entry level would be good, I'm hoping for somewhere in the 500-1000 dollar range if it exists but if I have to pay more for something better then so be it.

Also, DIY solutions aren't completely out of the question for me. I could see myself messing around with a build project if it strikes my fancy.

Thanks for any help, I'm looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!


I'm currently on an MSI GF65 Thin 9SEXR. It has a 9th gen core i5, 8GB RAM, and a geforce rtx2060 graphics card. While it's been a great daily driver for several years now, it's definitely starting to show it's age with newer games and such.

I've currently got my eyes on the ASUS TUF series of laptops, because they seem like pretty decent quality. The chassis design seems more intuitive with where the ports are located, and other small details that make ease of use a priority. I like that it has a numberpad as well, and I'd consider this one of my necessities going forward.

My main uses will be moderate gaming, 3D design, and general browsing/productivity. I'd also like to dump windows for Linux as well, but I'm not entirely sure that I'm ready to make that jump yet. I've got very minimal experience with alternative operating systems to windows.

I don't know much about AMD's hardware, so I'm not sure how the designations compare to what I currently have. If anyone could give me an easy rundown to get me up to date I'd appreciate it too.

submitted 2 months ago by technomad@slrpnk.net to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

What's a good way to respond to sms messages on my phone, through my desktop pc? I do not have wifi, just my phone's usb/tethering connection.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by technomad@slrpnk.net to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

~~It looks like they've got a ton of cool projects on the website, but whenever I try to go to any of them it just gives a 404 error.

Just wondering if anyone's run into to this or knows what's going on with it.~~

This was just an error on my part. I forgot that I'd installed libredirect, and the 'destructables' website is just a frontend for instructables.com


[-] technomad@slrpnk.net 45 points 4 months ago

This seems like a good opportunity to prove the resiliency of the protocol to me.

We will weather this shit.

[-] technomad@slrpnk.net 180 points 4 months ago

Trying to act like it flopped because it's single player... What a joke.


My options for internet connectivity are very limited. I was wondering if I could go to a library or coffee shop or wherever has a good connection and do all my downloading remotely, or if I will run into problems/restrictions.

I'm thinking they may not allow VPN's or something like that?

[-] technomad@slrpnk.net 93 points 5 months ago

As someone who always thought about getting into gaming as a career, i'm so glad i didn't... it's a shame that game developers are having to suffer through such a toxic industry, and that there aren't more protections in place for these people that create the amazing experiences that we all love so much.

I hope that they are able to find new and better places of employment.

[-] technomad@slrpnk.net 89 points 5 months ago

Seriously though, one of my biggest pet peeves is when they get every other aspect of touch-less design correct, and then fail with the door.


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