[-] swordgeek@lemmy.ca 45 points 2 weeks ago

As frustrating as this may be, it's even more frustrating when I see exactly the same thing among PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS!

directory structure and basic text editing are foreign concepts to them. If it's not in their IDE, they really don't understand it.

Also, 90% of them are hunt-and-peck two finger typists.

[-] swordgeek@lemmy.ca 37 points 1 month ago

What can we do?

  • Tax the rich
  • Establish basic income
  • Throw the oligopolists in jail
  • Break up any company found to be colluding illegally with another
  • Bar private equity from owning any essential holdings (food, shelter, healthcare, basic transportation, etc.)
  • Severely restrict the use of multiple brands from a single company
[-] swordgeek@lemmy.ca 29 points 1 month ago

So people think the '90s looked like the '80s, but they actually looked like the early '70s?


[-] swordgeek@lemmy.ca 40 points 2 months ago

Home Depot needs to call the cops and have him charged with theft.

He's a bully, an idiot, and a thug, but most importantly he's a criminal.

[-] swordgeek@lemmy.ca 27 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

The news here isn't that companies will actually have to pay their employees (marginally) more.

It's that being forced to pay employees a slightly larger fraction of what they would have made a decade ago is considered the "top risk to the economy."

Read that again. "Paying employees is the top risk to the economy."

This is why capitalism needs to be burned to the ground.

[-] swordgeek@lemmy.ca 31 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

This is fucking garbage.

When a company gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar, it's not a punishment to put one of the cookies back.

Fines should be ten TIMES what the company made from their misbehaviour, not ten percent.

[-] swordgeek@lemmy.ca 33 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

This isn't a 'painful day for tech titans.'

Corporations don't feel pain. C*Os insulate themselves from it. They're getting steadily richer, probably making more money than you'll ever see in your life.

This is a good day for tech consumers. That should have been the headline.

[-] swordgeek@lemmy.ca 31 points 4 months ago

"Conservatives go backwards" has become the mantra of this country. Heat pumps, wind and solar, LGBTQ2S+ issues, women's rights, healthcare, everything that we could be progressing on, the conservatives are regressing.

And we keep electing them.

[-] swordgeek@lemmy.ca 30 points 4 months ago

There's a lot of siloed misinformation here.

  • it's not because of a slowdown in the industry
  • It's not because of poor game releases/sales.
  • It's not because companies grew too much/quickly.


  • It's not just gaming.
  • It's not just IT as a whole.
  • It's everywhere.

This has nothing to do with performance or the economy, and everything to do with late stage capitalism. Companies have a round of layoffs just to bump up their year end statements. Worse yet, they then proceed to hire people back for less money.

It's money-grubbing evil, no more and no less.

[-] swordgeek@lemmy.ca 29 points 5 months ago

This is also why the one thing Trudeau could do to make me respect him would be say, "I'm stepping down as leader. My last act as PM is to roll out legitimate proportional representation."

The Liberals are probably not going to win the next election no matter what; but legitimate reform would mean an end to autocratic majorities.

[-] swordgeek@lemmy.ca 33 points 5 months ago

Of COURSE it's Telus!

Rogers is fucking awful. Bell is worse. But only Telus is this eager to abuse its customers' privacy.

And they're a growing player in the for-profit healthcare industry. Wonderful.

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