[-] sugartits@lemmy.world 38 points 1 week ago

That's a face only a mother could love.

[-] sugartits@lemmy.world 35 points 1 week ago

I remember when someone posted a joke Slashdot with a fake screenshot of Windows advising a user to switch away from Firefox and back to IE.

Everyone lost their minds on what was an obvious joke. An unthinkable thing for Microsoft to do.

Yet here we are...

[-] sugartits@lemmy.world 33 points 1 month ago

From the article:

And when there’s a power outage, the PowerStream will turn off automatically to ensure there’s no electricity in the wires in order to protect line workers from shock. The PowerStream will only turn back on when the grid power returns.

[-] sugartits@lemmy.world 27 points 1 month ago

Just being honest about how much data Windows collects these days...

[-] sugartits@lemmy.world 38 points 4 months ago

This feels like another "Netflix are coming after password sharing, HOW DARE THEY, EVERYONE WILL CANCEL AND THEY WILL BE BANKRUPT IN 6 MONTHS" circlejerk we recently read.

Then Netflix announces a pretty good quarter and all of a sudden these people are silent.

This feels like it'll be that. I could be wrong. But it really feels like the echo camber will lose its mind again in a few months when the stock is priced above zero and maybe actually doing quite well.

[-] sugartits@lemmy.world 42 points 4 months ago

Did you not hear?


[-] sugartits@lemmy.world 46 points 4 months ago

There'll be a setting in about:config no doubt.

[-] sugartits@lemmy.world 32 points 5 months ago

You need to get out more, mate.

[-] sugartits@lemmy.world 29 points 5 months ago
[-] sugartits@lemmy.world 27 points 5 months ago

Inflation has entered the chat

[-] sugartits@lemmy.world 26 points 6 months ago

I'll copy and paste what I wrote elsewhere:

To add context:

Linus only reacted this way to people who really should have known better. This isn't a "here is my first ever patch, I read all the rules and I hope I didn't break any" situation. The person he is chewing out is a kernel maintainer. They are someone who is experienced and trusted and Linus was rightly angry that this poor quality work was submitted.

However... Linus has also worked a lot on himself in the past few years, fully acknowledging that he shouldn't behave this harshly when someone fucks up. If the same situation was to present itself today, he would be much more professional, but would probably still be a bit angry and you'd know about it.

Linus is a flawed human being, but credit where it is due, he has worked on some of his character flaws.

And I'll add: This is the internet. There is no "taking down" of this. In fact, you're getting angry over a screenshot of the original. Once it's out there, it's never getting removed.

[-] sugartits@lemmy.world 42 points 6 months ago

To add context:

Linus only reacted this way to people who really should have known better. This isn't a "here is my first ever patch, I read all the rules and I hope I didn't break any" situation. The person he is chewing out is a kernel maintainer. They are someone who is experienced and trusted and Linus was rightly angry that this poor quality work was submitted.

However... Linus has also worked a lot on himself in the past few years, fully acknowledging that he shouldn't behave this harshly when someone fucks up. If the same situation was to present itself today, he would be much more professional, but would probably still be a bit angry and you'd know about it.

Linus is a flawed human being, but credit where it is due, he has worked on some of his character flaws.

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