[-] stephenc@waveform.social 23 points 10 months ago

I like Ubuntu Server. It's got a nice installer that is simple and straight to the point, and lots of documentation. I'm also very familiar with it if I need to troubleshoot.

That said, I don't like snaps and every new version pushes them harder. I'm currently learning openSUSE to see if it can become my new go-to for servers.

I always run Linux servers headless, so how the distro does GUI (if an option) is not relevant to me in this scenario.

[-] stephenc@waveform.social 21 points 11 months ago

Also, the reason for the public beta is because people practically begged LJ for it. We actively told him, "We don't care if there are bugs or missing features, just gimmie now!"

[-] stephenc@waveform.social 5 points 11 months ago

It hasn't been implemented yet. Part of the app still being in beta.

[-] stephenc@waveform.social 13 points 11 months ago
  • "single click to hide comment" [Enabled]

I absolutely cannot stand this behavior, if I accidentally tap instead of scroll then comment trees will expand/collapse and then I feel lost. Jerboa has this behavior and it was the most annoying thing about it when I used it, I'd say it was close to making me feel nauseous at times.

But hey, that's the great thing about Sync being so customizable, you can choose whatever behavior you prefer!

[-] stephenc@waveform.social 4 points 11 months ago

Well technically it is still in beta so missing features are to be expected at the moment.

[-] stephenc@waveform.social 10 points 11 months ago

Exactly. Doing anything, if it requires work and provides value to you, has a value, and thus could be expected to be charged for. Ad-supported software has kinda ruined a lot of people's perception of money and value, expecting everything to be free.

[-] stephenc@waveform.social 9 points 11 months ago

If he gets 5000 subs he will earn almost 100 000 dollars a year. Which in Sweden equals to about 2.5 times of a well paid job.

If that is the case, well then in some of the larger coastal areas in the U.S. such a salary is far below what a decent software developer can expect. Cost of living is very high in those areas.

Talking about prices and costs is very difficult in a global ecosystem, because even different regions of the same country can have significant differences in market that change the value of money, even setting aside currency exchange.

[-] stephenc@waveform.social 4 points 11 months ago

I mean, it is still in beta technically.

[-] stephenc@waveform.social 5 points 11 months ago

I generally do not do subscriptions either, but I do make some exceptions for specific apps/services. At least for me, Sync is one of those for now.

[-] stephenc@waveform.social 8 points 11 months ago

I kinda figured that the Lemmy API would be reasonably similar enough to the Reddit API that it wouldn't be a massive effort. Assuming good code architecture that keeps the backend separate from the frontend. :)

[-] stephenc@waveform.social 5 points 1 year ago

It's a little late for that, Lemmy's API is mostly in place and already being used.

[-] stephenc@waveform.social 7 points 1 year ago

That's sort of a good problem to have; it means Lemmy is gaining a lot of attention. Hopefully people stick around long enough to reform their communities in Lemmy while people upgrade and add new servers to handle the demand.

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