[-] spark947@lemm.ee 18 points 6 months ago

Antenna pod is great. I switched to it from google podcasts a couple months ago figuring this would happen.

[-] spark947@lemm.ee 16 points 7 months ago

Are they talking about government devices? I've never seen firefox installed on a government device.

[-] spark947@lemm.ee 19 points 7 months ago

It doesn't matter. The suit is alleging that valve threatened to ban games if they were cheaper on other stores. Thats monopolistic price manipulation, and it's illegal. Valve even pro.ises not to do this in its terms of service - their price parity policy is only supposed to apply to steam keys. That would be fair, because otherwise they couldn't give out keys in the first place. But you can't force devs to list games at the same price and then decide on the cut you will take if you are a monopoly. They will have to prove Valve violated its ToS.

[-] spark947@lemm.ee 19 points 7 months ago

So they argue that they want to protect users... from epic games? Like they are going to make a virus filled app? I kinda agree people need to be protected from fortnite, but its kind if a silly disingenuous argument.

[-] spark947@lemm.ee 18 points 7 months ago

You are never supposed to be this close to a non collaborative robot during operation. Never ever. There are a ton of safety standards around deadmanning operations if someone breaches the Arms workspace. At least here in the US they are enforced through OSHA.

If this keeps happening in South Korea, I would guess it is an issue with however their safety operations are enforced. But you should never even get close to a robot like this while it is running without a light wall or something ready to trip. Even then, most places have the cells fenced off.

[-] spark947@lemm.ee 15 points 8 months ago

I would just caution anyone that blocking ads while logged into your Google account is probably a bad idea if you care about still watching videos there. Google will grow more desperate to show tracked ads to users.

The only ling term solution is to seek to watch YouTube e videos in a private way. Freestone is a good start. New piped and individuals look promising as well. I'm still researching a good long term solution.

[-] spark947@lemm.ee 19 points 8 months ago

It will never go public - they are making money over fist and have no reason to participate in public capital markets. They also aren't really interested in growing. The trade off is that not everyone will be able to get a job there.

[-] spark947@lemm.ee 20 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

So it's pandora now?

[-] spark947@lemm.ee 16 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I really like flatpak! But it has its limitations. Thats okay!

There is just a space for containerized images of desktop apps that are distro independent. Linus talks about this at a QA, but having a maintrainer for every app and every distro under the sun is just a waste (he used his diving app as an example). Flat park is a good solution for packaging up apps, and it makes sense for stand alone apps that have a lot of moving parts and don't need to integrate with the rest your intro. Their are basically 5 apps that I use everyday that install through flatpak. Stuff like discord and Joplin.

At the same time, if something is supported through the distro package manager directly, I would rather install through that. Especially for core system components, but also for apps that aren't really daily drivers for me. I definitely feel like I have to actively maintain flatpak installations, so if I can install without a flatpak, I would rather not. For small apps, especially simple command line apps, their probably isn't that much maintenance work to get them on the distro anyway.

[-] spark947@lemm.ee 20 points 9 months ago

The way I would perceive it is that mega-hjts in games are very profitable. A hit sells like 200k-300k at launch. But from time to time, a game hits the cultural zeitgeist and can 3x that. Those are you're BOTWs and such.

Platforms bank on having those because they are the big bang for their buck. In Microsoft case, an exclusive like that would move a lot of gp subs. I think that is the idea behind making starfield elusive, and then getting rid of the reduced price trial.

So when people are busy playing BG3, and then ign gives starfield a 7, and people decide its not worth dropping everything to go and play, it can really mess up a company's tire venue projections. Poor babies.

[-] spark947@lemm.ee 19 points 10 months ago

Isn't the metal body going to expand depending on the temperature? This is so unhinged.

[-] spark947@lemm.ee 18 points 10 months ago

If your CEO of zoom you have to believe in the product your company makes. Its the basic requirement. When he says this, its a slap in the face to every engineer and worker who has dedicated their life to making zoom a good product.

Its like the time the dunking donuts ceo said he doesn't like donuts on Marketplace.

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