submitted 23 hours ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/breadtube@lemmy.world
[-] spaduf@slrpnk.net 23 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

This is by design and most people fell for it entirely. Even the second highest content in this thread is carrying water for big oil.

[-] spaduf@slrpnk.net 98 points 2 weeks ago

Let's be honest. They certainly plan to, but first they're gonna see if saying "Apple Intelligence" a bunch is going to convince people they actually did something innovative.

submitted 1 month ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/breadtube@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/technology@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

If you keep a Peertube/video list on Mastodon, this service goes a long way towards making YouTube unnecessary.

submitted 2 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/breadtube@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/fediverse@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

This is an older article, but I'm mostly curious what y'all think about newsmast? Have you used it?

[-] spaduf@slrpnk.net 45 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

This is super exciting. I think one of the things a lot of people are missing here is the potential for small wikis to augment existing fediverse communities. Reddit’s killer feature has always been the massive treasure trove of information for hobbyists and niche interests. There is huge potential in the fediverse to take advantage of that sort of natural collaborative knowledge building process.

submitted 3 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/fediverse@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/fediverse@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/fediverse@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/climate@slrpnk.net
[-] spaduf@slrpnk.net 67 points 4 months ago

They're on Mastodon and Misskey for the most part.

submitted 4 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/news@lemmy.world
[-] spaduf@slrpnk.net 92 points 4 months ago

Tell me this is a good thing.

Mozilla has long been the most ethical player in this space (while still producing SOTA ML). All of their datasets/models are open source and usually crowdsourced. Not to mention, their existing work is primarily in improving accessibility.

ALSO, the other half of this story is that Firefox is becoming the primary focus again. Everybody's freaking out about the AI stuff but that's because they're only reading the headlines. The programs they've shut down are things like Hubs (Mozilla's metaverse platform), the VPN, and the sensitive data scrubber (which was using a third party service anyway).

[-] spaduf@slrpnk.net 80 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The devs actually talked about this in the AMA from a couple of days ago. Sounds like the current plan is to have all federating servers send their entire list of communities to each other on a regular basis.

The other thing that I think is worth mentioning is Lemmy Community Boost which is basically a bot that serves the same purpose.

[-] spaduf@slrpnk.net 58 points 5 months ago

I think how quickly this project has gotten to near feature parity is a testament to how slow Lemmy development has been. Think about scaled sort (a feature that has been hotly requested since the migration) and how long that took to get merged in. A sort should not by any means be slow to implement.

[-] spaduf@slrpnk.net 235 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Worth noting, the number of people who come here "to escape authoritarian moderators". Nearly all of them were moderated for good reason.

I also don't think the presence of places like hexbear are doing us any favors.

[-] spaduf@slrpnk.net 57 points 6 months ago

The existing industry that's popped up around LLMs has conveniently ignored that what these models are doing may have been illegal the whole time and a lot of the experts knew it. This is why it's so important for folks to realize that the industry is not just thin wrappers around ChatGPT (and that interesting applications of this technology are largely being pushed out by the lowest hanging fruit). If this is ruled as not fair use then the whole industry will basically disappear overnight and we'll have to rebuild it from scratch either with a new business model that pays authors or as open source/crowd sourced models (probably both). All that said we're almost certainly better off. Open AI may have kicked off the most recent "gold rush" but their methods have been terrible for both the industry at large and for further development of the tech.

[-] spaduf@slrpnk.net 87 points 7 months ago
[-] spaduf@slrpnk.net 53 points 8 months ago

You really made about 20 comments before doing even a basic amount of due dilligence, huh?

[-] spaduf@slrpnk.net 67 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

The pedophile community is the largest local community and that should be all you need to know.

EDIT: Relevant discussion over on reddit

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