
joined 5 years ago
[–] 1 points 2 years ago

We can disagree on political stuff all day, but you will find this very interesting.

I read it when you previously published it, and i'm personally not a fan of GrapheneOS approach. I was just pointing out posts on /c/privacy should be understandable by people passing by who don't know the whole story, and that you could make a /c/graphenelies community dedicated to this particular story, where no additional context would be required in a post.

There is also a section where one of the Reddit power mods admittedly want Lemmy to stay obscure.

Fun fun fun :)

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (2 children)

These people do not merely reside in my brain

Sorry i think you misunderstood me, and i meant no insult. I meant we other Lemmy users who are not in your brain need additional context/info to understand the matter.

As for the work I do, I have been arguably one of the people who have done the most legitimate work in privacy community

So to be clear i was not attacking/diminishing you in any way (or at least did not intend to) and you do not have justify your involvement. Still, thank you for taking part in privacy struggles.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (4 children)

This is a post about the biggest cult in privacy community witch hunting, and you do not recognise it.

I do recognize it because you talked previously about it. I just don't think it's pertinent to show in this form for people who don't know about the entire story (even i don't know the whole story). I would recommend either to make a community dedicated to this topic, with a stickied thread serving as introduction, or to give more context to your post on the topic. But shitposting random conversations about a topic of interest of yours into random communities is not really cool for people who do not reside in your brain :D

Also, bit of personal advice: you seem really obsessed with this community and story. I think it would do you good to focus on something else... You seem to imply it's a "big" thing but seriously i've never met a single person using GrapheneOS and they only support Google phones so there's no risk it's becoming a big thing any time. Maybe try to get involved in Lineage or /e/OS or PostMarketOS communities? You may help build the mobile distro you wanna see instead of loosing a little bit of your sanity every time the GrapheneOS mods do something. Take care :)

[–] -1 points 2 years ago

SVGs can be minified after edition, but of course nothing will beat hand-crafted SVGs...

[–] -1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Vector images can be a good fit though! If you can fit a URL in there, a SVG could fit in too :)

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (6 children)

Sorry but i don't understand what this post is doing here:

  • it's not about privacy, as it's about subscribing to public posts on public forums (unless this is supposed to raise awareness about why multiple identities/nicknames is important?)
  • there's not enough context to understand wtf is going on
[–] 1 points 2 years ago (9 children) can we get this thread pinned? i didn't read it all but it looks like decent advice and the question about what's tor and how to use it best comes up frequently

[–] 3 points 2 years ago (2 children)

That's also why i love the rust ecosystem. If you have rust installed and have your local dependencies (or only use the standard library), the docs can be generated locally (cargo doc). I certainly remember local manuals helping me out more than once over the years :)

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Can we talk about French genocide of Algeria? Or USA’s ongoing genocide of Yemen since many years?

Please do. We've been talking about it for years, but more conversation/information is always welcome.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Who genocided the muslim populations of the USSR? Was it the USA and western colonizers too? Does that ring any bells? From the wikipedia page on Deportation of Chechens and Ingush:

The deportation was prepared from at least October 1943 and 19,000 officers as well as 100,000 NKVD soldiers from all over the USSR participated in this operation. The deportation encompassed their entire nations, as well as the liquidation of the Checheno-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The demographic consequences of this eviction were catastrophic and far reaching: of the 496,000 Chechens and Ingush who were deported (according to Soviet archives; Chechen sources put the deportees at 650,000[1]), at least a quarter perished. In total, the archive records show that over a hundred thousand people died or were killed during the round-ups and transportation, and during their early years in exile in the Kazakh and Kyrgyz SSR as well as Russian SFSR where they were sent to the many forced settlements. Chechen sources claim that 400,000 died, while presuming a higher number of deportees.

Just because western empires are evil does not mean other empires have to be good.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Ukraine would have become Afghanistan 2.0 if NATO was allowed to take over.

Are you saying that western powers were planning a military invasion of Ukraine? This makes no sense, as there was no major military deployment indicating it, nor was there any psyops in the west to mount a narrative justifying such invasion.


The updated demands:

    So, NVIDIA, the choice is yours! Either:

    –Officially make current and all future drivers for all cards open source, while keeping the Verilog and chipset trade secrets... well, secret


    –Not make the drivers open source, making us release the entire silicon chip files so that everyone not only knows your driver's secrets, but also your most closely-guarded trade secrets for graphics and computer chipsets too!


Will this be the only way to achieve decent hardware support cross-platform? Can't wait for someone to take AMD/Intel managers hostage ;-)

BTW not sure why these people are called cyber-criminals. Sounds like cyber-heroes to me... I mean i don't agree with their motivation (cryptocurrency mining) but they're doing what government regulations should have done a long time ago, which is preventing hardware manufacturers from fucking up life for everyone. (or at least they're trying)


Version longue en français:

Several ISPs in France have started censoring via their DNS resolver.

Why are they doing this? I guess officially they'll say it's because of Russian propaganda about Ukraine, and that's partially correct.

But also worth pointing out is that despite very uncritical propaganda from the regime about what happens in Russia, RT is one of the only mass media (non-independent publication) where you can have decent news about social uproar in France (gilets jaunes, anti-police-abuse riots, etc).

We haven't reached the point where posts to RT are censored on social media (where it's most popular) so i can't exactly say we have "one side" to the news yet but it's getting closer.

This message is both a fuck you to french ISPs engaging in censorship (remember Sci-Hub? TPB?) and a reminder to all the Putin fanboys around here what "there's only one side to the news" really means: Russia is already there (there's a few independent publications but they've been struggling for years with State censorship and journalist assassinations) and France is getting closer (on the other side of the narrative). The rest of you who live in countries with more free speech can't even realize what information control means so please don't take these words lightly.

[–] 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

If you can point to one instance where i advocated for NATO, i'd be happy to provide an apology. Unfortunately this does not exist except in your mind where being against the Russian empire means siding with the western empire. I strongly recommend you do some reading on third-worldism and the importance of non-alignment (in regards to colonial empires) for the socialist/communist/anarchist movement worldwide.

Do you seek interest in publishing photos on Lemmy like this, since you call critics of current narrative “puppets of Russian Empire”?

Challenge accepted. I'm all up for denouncing nazism/fascism where it is. I just criticize when denouncing a specific brand of fascism is done in a way to reinforce another (whether it's USA or Russian fascism/imperialism).


Yet despite all the unprecedented recent events, 2020 and 2021 also feel very familiar to some of us. The mood has been similar to that of Anonymous' highs in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Instead of groups like LulzSec, we have people like Keyser Soze and groups like APT-69420. Documents and source code spilled onto the internet, to the horror of governments and corporations. And inevitably, the raids began and indictments began to be returned.

Ten years ago, WikiLeaks fought censorship by making it easy to mirror their site and leaks. Today, while Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDoSecrets) faces the scrutiny of the U.S. government and continues to fight our server seizure, we're fighting censorship by making not just our data, but our model easy to mirror. Groups like DDoSecrets can be dismantled if governments are truly determined to oppress and suppress, but we're as easily replicated as the Anonymous model or the APT-69420 model. The world can no longer be rid of hacktivists or leaktivists, not as long as people are willing.

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