If you're making backups of things you care about and not running sudo rm -rf the command isn't really dangerous.

But +1 for having it in /tmp I have a bash function I call tempd that is basically cd $(mktemp -d) I use it so much for stuff I dont really care to keep.

It also depends on the viewer. I remember using prctl() in C to chamge a process name and top showed my change but htop didn't. I'm sure a competent malware writer would be able to trick it though

You could try setting TimeoutStopSec="infinity" for the service. There may be a default timeout for services and its killing rclone before it can finish because the oneshot type is considered "starting" until the program exits.

Can you share your service file?

I haven't yet! Today I did a kernel update with it, I was kind of hoping something would go wrong so I would have a bug to report. But nope. Everything worked flawlessly. I'm not really sure how to break it but I'm going to try (in a vm lol)

[-] somethingsomethingidk@lemmy.world 11 points 3 months ago

Just to offer the other perspective. I started with podman years ago. I knew very little about containers and I would say it made the learbing curve a lot steeper. Most guides and README's use docker and when things didnt work I had to figure out if it was networking, selinux, rootless, not having the docker daemon, etc... without understanding fully what those things were because I didn't know docker. But when I started running stuff on kubernetes, it was really easy. Pods in podman are isomorphic to kubernetes pods. I think the pain was worth it, but it was definitely not easy at the time. Documentation, guides, and networking have improved since then, so it may not be as big of a deal now

If you run in distrobox you should not have issues with dependencies

[-] somethingsomethingidk@lemmy.world 13 points 3 months ago

For every sever install I've had, flatpak defaults to the system install which requires a password. You have to explicity pass the --user flag.

I'm not sure how to make it the default

[-] somethingsomethingidk@lemmy.world 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Yeah I am on a potato, i just gave that as a reference. Its really probably more like 10 the first time it opens. After that its faster.

[-] somethingsomethingidk@lemmy.world 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I would make a bash function to do this. I'm on my phone so idk how this will look lol

dbxcreate () {



distrobox create --name "${CONTAINER_NAME}"

I would add some checks/more arguments and error messages but thats the idea

You may also have to make that home dir but then its as easy adding a mkdir line

[-] somethingsomethingidk@lemmy.world 18 points 5 months ago

Search 1e100, it's a google thing

I have zero experience with SteamOS but Gnome Boxes uses a qemu usermode networking that doesn't let you access the guest the way you want to.

I would trying using virt-manager (gui for libvirt). It lets you use a bridge as the network interface and for vm gets a proper IP and can communcate on the network like any other computer

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