[-] snooggums@midwest.social 3 points 2 hours ago

Pretty sure they don't grow their bicycles either!

[-] snooggums@midwest.social 3 points 2 hours ago

These all sound like the same kind of aesthetic as 'hand crafted' where you can tell someone put on the finishing touches or details in a way that matched the materials or is a tiny bit uneven.

[-] snooggums@midwest.social 3 points 2 hours ago

It could also be from people who think that the people are fictional, because they haven't personally met similar dysfunctional people.

I can confirm that people exist who fit these kinds of behaviors and personalities and they do tend to cluster together, especially around role playing games.

[-] snooggums@midwest.social 3 points 2 hours ago

It sounds like he is struggling with trying to be an open minded and accepting person and the bigotry that often comes with a life that leads to being an aspiring catholic priest.

[-] snooggums@midwest.social 8 points 13 hours ago

This is the best thing I have read this month, and I did not see the twist coming!

[-] snooggums@midwest.social 37 points 19 hours ago

I would be fine with that if it was free and didn't reply the ads if I stop and resume.

If I am paying money, then ads are unacceptable.

[-] snooggums@midwest.social 30 points 1 day ago

Rolling coal is this exact mindeset in transportation form.

[-] snooggums@midwest.social 10 points 1 day ago

People don't generally get to keep the benefits from a crime, and in this case the money is both evidence and also money she never would have been able to legally receive.

Since it comes from the ceiminals it would be neat to let her keep it as a reward for reporting it, but she probably won't get to.

[-] snooggums@midwest.social 47 points 1 day ago

I look forward to SCOTUS ruling this was a gratuity instead of a bribe.

[-] snooggums@midwest.social 22 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

How would a site make itself acessible to the internet in general while also not allowing itself to be scraped using technology?

robots.txt does rely on being respected, just like no tresspassing signs. The lack of enforcement is the problem, and keeping robots.txt to track the permissions would make it effective again.

I am agreeing, just with a slightky different take.

[-] snooggums@midwest.social 41 points 2 days ago

It seems Biden likes to make things happen withiut making a big deal about it, because in a perfect world that sounds like a good thing. Just get stuff done!

But the Dems as a whole need to get better at messaging their victories so they get the credit, which I understand is hard when rage bait sells, but if nobody knows they can't counter the conservative lies.

[-] snooggums@midwest.social 43 points 2 days ago

Kinda hard to throw them out when the majority didn't know that they could.

Most residents weren’t even aware that there were supposed to be elections for these positions.

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