[-] sneekee_snek_17@lemmy.world 13 points 2 days ago

Dr. Disrespect, there was a couple year period where the insane, over-the-top masculinity shtick was entertaining to me. Eventually I drifted away from the games that brought me to him in the first place.

Very recently, news broke that he had sexually explicit conversations with a minor on twitch.

[-] sneekee_snek_17@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

I drilled two holes at the ends of the post. Tied a knot in the top end, wound my way down, then ended with a clove hitch to maintain three tension, and put the excess through the other hole and tied another knot just for extra security

[-] sneekee_snek_17@lemmy.world 0 points 1 week ago

The other one I made has lasted more than a year, and that was not made as well as this one. I'm planning on chopping this one up and tossing it whenever it gets worn out

[-] sneekee_snek_17@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

I'd recommend using something like 3/8 ply, instead of the 3/4 I used, you'll save a ton of weight. For joining vertical and horizontal surfaces I used a few, small L-brackets and a couple blocks that doubled as reinforcement

[-] sneekee_snek_17@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

I use staples, too. I use them for the primary attachment of carpet, while the adhesive cures. Clamps, too, depending on how aesthetically pleasing the surface needs to be

[-] sneekee_snek_17@lemmy.world 10 points 1 week ago

I didn't really plan it, so sequencing building the frame vs attaching the carpet was a little annoying, but overall not bad at all.

This isn't the first one I've made for them, but I used spray adhesive on the first, which wasn't nearly effective enough. This time I used carpet adhesive, which was more cost effective and seems to be much more effective. Downside to that, though is that I had to wait 24 hours after carpeting a piece to attach it


None of our numerous store-bought cat trees were ever large enough for our 16lb boy, so I grabbed an old area rug and plywood scraps I had and took matters into my own hands.

It's about 70% compete, I'm gonna add at least a platform on top of the post, and my partner wanted a cat hammock, so I gotta figure out where/how to incorporate that.

Lemmy know what you think!

[-] sneekee_snek_17@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

Probably being held at gunpoint by a guard at a Jordanian airbase that I was inside of, doing a timed ruck march, as a US soldier.

I didn't speak his dialect, so I couldn't pick up much, but my gut said he was pissed he was on guard overnight and decided to ruin my night, too.

Only like the initial 15-30 seconds were really stressful, it was largely just annoying, since I couldn't communicate with anyone, standing there with my ruck on the ground and my hands up.


joined 1 month ago