[-] smolyeet@lemmy.world 12 points 3 months ago

So many out of touch people in every thread that mentions TikTok. The same shit we did on YouTube , FB , Twitter, vine, etc is the same concept on TikTok. Memes evolve or new ones are born, that is nothing new

[-] smolyeet@lemmy.world 45 points 3 months ago

Uvaldes is majority conservative according to Google, so that wouldn’t have happened. I expect nothing less of Texas

[-] smolyeet@lemmy.world 11 points 5 months ago

not OP, but for me, using an iPhone and wishing it had a few features android had feels a lot better than using android and wishing it had features iOS does. It’s not like they both don’t participate in monopolistic practices

[-] smolyeet@lemmy.world 18 points 5 months ago

They don’t assume the risk? The moment I don’t pay by the third they are threatening to evict me. They charge rent that covers their monthly mortgage payment and then some. It’s the same shit. The place I rent now is owned by progress and it’s 50/50 it seems what they cover. On top of that I have to clean it all (professionally now , that’s new) when I move out. When I moved in the place was 1700 and now it’s 2400. There’s so much risk they’re taking in renting me a place , charging rent , but not getting anything back for it.

[-] smolyeet@lemmy.world 11 points 6 months ago

For what it’s worth. , my coworker had one and his room didn’t smell. I assume it’s like owning any other in house pet where you just need to regularly clean their cage/tank

[-] smolyeet@lemmy.world 12 points 8 months ago

It’s still the best search engine in my experience. I’ve tried using bing and DuckDuckGo. They just don’t cut it and the ai stuff isn’t particular impressive to me. Google just understands the power of defaults

[-] smolyeet@lemmy.world 145 points 8 months ago

lol i was about to say. Updates have been free since what , Lion? Lemmy is just hurr durr non Linux operating systems bad 🙄

[-] smolyeet@lemmy.world 14 points 8 months ago

I can’t remember the last time I let someone ring me up at Walmart. Self checkout was always faster because most of the attended registers were closed. Most of my adult life I’ve bagged myself and idk if I’d want to go back tbh. The tech is annoying to deal with though

[-] smolyeet@lemmy.world 27 points 8 months ago

They recently broke hwid, but was recently fixed as of 2.2. The other method worked fine still

[-] smolyeet@lemmy.world 16 points 10 months ago

The idea is fine. Still trusting lastpass was the bad idea. Others have much better implementations to protector your vault and don’t drop the ball on security time after time.

[-] smolyeet@lemmy.world 42 points 11 months ago

On paper , sure. The YouTube premium interface is enough to make it not worth it. Id rather switch to Apple Music and I’m not a fan of that apps UI either. I feel like google play music was a lot better than what we have now. I pay for yt premium but don’t use it for music if that says anything.

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