
joined 1 year ago
[–] 22 points 7 months ago (3 children)

We're about to have a great big shattering of the internet and I'm all for it. Collating the pieces will be a pain in the ass for a couple years but some handful of nerds out there blessed by the spirit of Ritchie will create a tool for it, and what's left of our world will be a better place for it.

[–] 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Every person I know who has flown in the last six months has inquired about the manufacturer of their plane before boarding

[–] 9 points 7 months ago (2 children)

For the last 50 years or so

Multiply that by 3 and you're nearly correct. The first "quantitative prediction of global warming due to a hypothetical doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide" was published in 1896 by Svante Arrhenius, building on research from John Tyndall as far back as 1859. Source: Wikipedia, but with appropriate citations to the works in question.

[–] 6 points 7 months ago

My mother used to be like this with steak. She would ask for it well done, and after the waiter wrote that down, she'd follow up with a comparison to a hockey puck. Like really just fuck this thing up sideways, it should be charcoal. The looks we got from most waiters were hilarious.

Meanwhile my dad would order the rarest steak it was legal to sell him. "Just walk it past the grill on the way out here, I want it still trying to graze on my salad".

To their credit most places got it close enough that we could eat without complaint.

[–] 10 points 7 months ago (4 children)

Signal also does jack all unless both parties are using Signal. In this case, might be fine. Need to talk to anyone else in your life? It's back to iMessage.

I love Signal and will probably never get rid of it but the use case for it has shrunk tremendously since they removed the ability to message non-signal users.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Not with that attitude it isn't

[–] 18 points 7 months ago (4 children)

95% of their customers are businesses, who no, they don't understand that. But their IT department does.

[–] 4 points 7 months ago

Only a true AdMech would consider his backup file to be an STC. I'm laughing, but also, respect. Praise the Omnissiah.

[–] 10 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Where is hbomberguy when the world needs him

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Disagree. Currency allowed the flourishing of civilization. You can't effectively trade between cultures or at long distances on the barter system.

What we've done with currency since then, yeah, maybe we're on the same side there. But currency, created as an abstract for value, was a great invention. Civilization as we know it would not have been possible without it.

Though, now that I mention that.... maybe civilization "as we know it" isn't so hot after all.

Don't you love when you end up talking yourself out of your own argument?

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

"Realistic goals" at this point have simply become to move away from America until it goes the way of the Roman Empire, then come back to rebuild the ashes.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

You realize the office of the US President is involved in important things in the world

Such as maintaining the safety and full functioning of the United States of America? Yes, you're completely correct. That's exactly why this needs to happen.

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