[-] sibachian@lemmy.ml 11 points 2 weeks ago

whatever russia says, they mean to do the opposite. they've been pulling this nonsense from the start and this is no different, and we know this because they are STILL THERE. if they wanted peace, THEY'D LEAVE. ukraine doesn't have a choice, they have nowhere to go. they can't pull out of the conflict because they are literally the one being invaded. there is no logic to this argument. it's like ordering cheese and wondering why you are served cheese. it's plain and dumb.

[-] sibachian@lemmy.ml 15 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

bs. discord is absolute trash for anything but live chatting. it does nothing different from plain old irc with a bnc and bots. they just took irc and made it easy for stupid people to use and slapped voice comm on top; which also already existed. using it as an archive, broadcast and support system is like trying to use a hammer to screw in a screw. people just use discord because people use discord. just like people just use facebook because people use facebook.

if you want to manage a community, you should use discourse. it's the most modern alternative. if you want a public chat, use any chat you want that supports public chat, the only difference between all of them is what level of privacy they provide.

[-] sibachian@lemmy.ml 12 points 3 months ago

oh sure. ban the ONLY modern chat client not running on electron.

get fucked, spain!

[-] sibachian@lemmy.ml 34 points 3 months ago

we have phones that don't break easily and we can repair them and replace the battery; with long-term support.

what we need are laws that makes it mandatory for all.

[-] sibachian@lemmy.ml 10 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

except in theory they can borrow from the bank with their stock as leverage and would never actually need to liquidate anything (and they do just that).

[-] sibachian@lemmy.ml 6 points 4 months ago

your example is irrelevant and makes little sense as a counter when all research and innovation globally is still paid for by taxes. no business will spend billions on new ideas, they spend billions on commercial application of public (tax paid) ideas in order to profit.

[-] sibachian@lemmy.ml 8 points 4 months ago

got news for you, all innovation happens on the tax roll. and because it's free and public to use, companies take it, stick licenses on it, and sell it back to you (gotta love paying twice).

[-] sibachian@lemmy.ml 9 points 4 months ago

sweden is well known for bowing to US requests. just look at the history of the unlawful attacks on the piratebay and the sham court they were passed through to get sentenced on no broken laws.

not to mention Sweden's constant bullshit in other data related sectors pushing american (hollywood) agendas into EU (and thankfully failing). the pay to take action against the will of the people IN A DEMOCRACY must be the recipe for immortality or some such because i don't see why they would otherwise be able to legally betray their countrymen.

[-] sibachian@lemmy.ml 8 points 4 months ago

frankly, the US is STILL fighting in the middle east after 9/11. the chinese has shown more restraint and milder treatment towards their local terrorist group. so i'd say they've handled it better than the west ever could.

[-] sibachian@lemmy.ml 13 points 4 months ago

Linux Mint is hands down the most stable linux distro out there and has been for years. zero tinkering needed. everything just runs no questions asked.

My only grief with Mint is the most recent update where they changed the software centee and now it's slowed to a crawl. Why they would do this is anyones guess.

I'm recommending MX until such time that Mint sort their crap out - unfortunately I doubt they will, seeing as this change of software center was to resolve some other issues they (but not is end users) though they had.

MX is basically debian but with a lot of improvements. Sure it might have a bit of a learning curve for those primarily used to Ubuntu based systems, but it beats running any of the other Ubuntu distros by miles since they all struggle with the crap Ubuntu puts on top of Debian.

Manjaro is another great option if you don't want to deal with debian based stuff, and KDE is the default DE with most stuff under reasonable control. You can also use all the Arch resources if you ever run into trouble so it's a lot less of a headache than what I've experienced running OpenSUSE (i want to love OpenSUSE but I just can't).

[-] sibachian@lemmy.ml 19 points 7 months ago

it was already made public in the lawsuit some weeks ago that they are indeed slowing down youtube for firefox.

[-] sibachian@lemmy.ml 14 points 9 months ago

eh? do people still use reddit even? last i heard they have employees actively create threads now to try and keep engagement going.

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