[-] seiryth@lemmy.world 3 points 5 months ago

I don't get why they even bothered. Shes a babe anyway, after an excellent politician.

[-] seiryth@lemmy.world 8 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Funny what happens when the small dicked get into positions of influence

[-] seiryth@lemmy.world 76 points 5 months ago

In eu. Its amazing what happens when legislation works.

[-] seiryth@lemmy.world 117 points 6 months ago

The thing that shits me about this is google appear to the public to be late to the party but the reality is they DID put safety before profit when it came to AI. The sheer amount of research and papers put out by them on AI should have proven to people they know what they're doing.

And then openAI throw caution into the wind and essentially make google and others panic knee jerk because there's really money to be made, and now everyone seems to be throwing caution into the wind and pushing it into the mainstream before society is ready.

All in the name of shareholders.

[-] seiryth@lemmy.world 91 points 7 months ago

Not sure why we're arguing this quote with the same two games over and over. Nms and cyberpunk are great games, but they're a rarity.

Game Dev crunch is a plague in th industry, we suffer as consumers who cop bad releases on release. The whole industry could learn from its roots and delay things for a better initial product.

Defending the current practice of redevelopment in post is almost consumer gaslighting.

[-] seiryth@lemmy.world 7 points 7 months ago

This. It's even worse in Australia. The only affordable ev is a Tesla 3 @ 55k AUD. Which even then is out of reach of most.

Why not make a 30k EV? Penetrate the majority of consumers.

I'm on a great wage and even I shake my head at 80-120k range of most EVs here. Then you get bwm releasing 180k+ EVs.. who exactly is buying them?

When you price a technology out of the reach of people, the tech isn't the failure.

[-] seiryth@lemmy.world 4 points 8 months ago
[-] seiryth@lemmy.world 46 points 8 months ago

Germans. Come to Melbourne Australia, and as you get off at the airport realise there is no connecting train to the city. Cabs only.

Brought to you by the cab industry/lobby.

[-] seiryth@lemmy.world 10 points 9 months ago

This isn't right. Cognizant are a well known systems integrator. In Australia alone recently they bought out some of the best local SIs just to get presence - contino and Servian, with a rumoured third (versent) on the way..

Theyre a body shop looking to grow their born in the cloud generstion of engineers.

[-] seiryth@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago

Also good to remember there's also newer tech like alphafold from the deepmind project - using AI to really, really accelerate development.


Absolutely blows my mind.

[-] seiryth@lemmy.world 11 points 10 months ago

It's a technical set of problems.

  • Where does the front end live, who hosts it, who pays for the compute, and what determines the latest version is the truest version
  • where does the data sit. Posts, media, content, and how does this get referenced properly in a safe way.

What's funny is truely distributed compute is totally possible today, thanks to a lot of work done in the blockchain community. Notice I said blockchain and not crypto, we don't want the bullshit associated with that (coins, nfts etc). What we want is distributed compute and storage that can be read in a way that provides the same function as Reddit etc. Coupled with a good client experience like sync.

The biggest problem with that though is that blockchain that is truely distributed is slow by nature, because each block of data is distributed and validated to all nodes that host to keep consistency. And the larger a site becomes, the more data there is to store, and the more resource intensive verification becomes so therefore the nodes slowly gain a higher set of requirements.

So the middle ground is something like Lemmy. Where you can run your own instance, that talks to a wider federated network of instances where no one single entity can control the content.

In tech, a lot of the above is explained by a concept called CAP theorem. It's a really interesting problem that has only really been solved by a few vendors (google spanner is a good one) but even then it doesn't cover the distributed part.

[-] seiryth@lemmy.world 19 points 11 months ago

Honestly I think we all need to relax. Lemmy is a niche app that's rising, and it's one guy. I paid for ultra since it was cheaper than the pay for no ads option.

$29AUD or whatever it was per year for ultra is literally paying a dev once a year for their work, and to keep it updated and build features.

The outrage is really ridiculous considering how quickly the app was built, how decent the experience is and the realities of the real world right now.

Pay the cash, you're not going to remember it by the time you're paid next. For the job you did, producing something. Like this guy did.

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