
joined 1 year ago

It depends on the state I'm surprised in a blue state it's not taught. I learned about it in NH but there they care about the environment. They are the ones to push for no mercury in batteries. Mostly because of fishing and hunting but they cared at least.

On the talks with the social media companies didn't they make sure government couldn't interfere? They delayed the promotion of the military officers over abortion

The government should go after the companies price gouging and make a fund with it. That fund should be set up for people that are in trouble either with a payment plan that works, financial council if needed. I'm not sure if they can get enough funds for partial and full payments but the corporate greed is one reason all these people had to go this route. Most Americans are living paycheck by paycheck every year medical goes up higher than the wages.

Everytime I hear about this the first thing that pops into my head is the little old lady in airplane that was stopped by security for nothing while people with bigger and bigger guns got by.

There's nothing to find, the top witnesses said as much but you have plenty out there that's done far worse and nothing happened. The GOP will destroy us all. Vote the GOP out of every office you can local state and federal.

[–] 10 points 7 months ago (3 children)

The founding fathers didn't either that's why they put a buffer in in case there was a nuance not under stood by the general public. The only problem is I don't think they envisioned a party hell bent on the country's destruction.

This should be the top comment

[–] 13 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Don't assume he can't win. Vote like democracy depends on it because if he wins our country loses.

[–] 9 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Except in the last local elections most of that was undone because the voters are starting to listen. I just hope we aren't to late. We did well in 2018, 2020, and 2022 2023 if you look at the histories of such things.

I do feel we are really trying hard to keep our democracy but at this point in time I feel one bad midterm or presidential election will be our downfall.

Could it be the ad drain on x when musk musked it up? Maybe they want a place for the x ex advertisers to go? I agree they didn't do it out of love for democracy or seeking truth.

This mentions row v wade and abortion and I saw just the other day the birth rate is going up in the red states. Now is the birth rate going up faster than the death rate in the red states?

For whatever reason the death rate was higher in the red states versus the blue after 2020 and I'm not sure if it has gone down pre 2020 levels

Working as designed, they probably need military fodder too.

Glad someone mentioned this.

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